Mobile Delivery Days Conference - Continuous Delivery for Mobile Apps

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Patrick Debois

Feb 15, 2016, 2:52:47 AM2/15/16
to Continuous Delivery

having worked many years in the web space, I moved into mobile App Delivery.
Compared to the web, mobile App delivery automation seems to be at it's early stages.

The tooling is still brittle , the practices are heavy dev focused and it seems we're struggling with it.
I've researched a lot of the toolset (*) and found there lots of room to improve.

That's why 3 engineers(*) are putting together a new conference "Mobile Delivery Days".
It's a devopsdays styled conference where we hope people will join us in our goal to improve the tooling & share the delivery stories.

Topics include: (with a specific focus on Mobile Apps)
  • Test automation
  • Build
  • Continuous integration
  • Beta testing
  • Publishing
  • Business metrics
  • A/B testing
  • Analytics
  • Performance monitoring
  • Support
  • Logging
  • Network optimization

Got your interest? Join us on 21 & 22th March at the Amazon Loft in SF -

Patrick Debois

A presentation on Mobile Continuous Delivery where I collected a lot of my findings - 

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