Dear continual learners,
following our previous email with a call for participation for continual causality, we are now very happy to present our full set of speakers, papers and schedule for our upcoming Continual Causality Bridge at AAAI-23, in-person and virtual on February 7th+8th as a full two-day event: A registration link (in-person/virtual) is at the top of the website.
In this email, we provide a short summary of everything the event will have to offer:
- 30 minute vision talks by Yejin Choi (University of Washington & Allen Institute for AI), Christopher Kanan (University of Rochester), Tobias Gerstenberg (Stanford University) and Vineeth N Balasubramanian (IIT Hyderabad & visiting faculty fellow at Carnegie Mellon University)
- Panelists: Dhireesha Kudithipudi (University of Texas San Antonio), Moritz Grosse-Wentrup (University of Vienna) & two of our speakers Vineeth Balasubramanian and Christopher Kanan
- A software lab on continual learning with Avalanche by Antonio Carta (University of Pisa & ContinualAI)
- A software lab on causal inference with DoWhy/PyWhy by Peter Götz (Amazon Web Services) and Robert Osazuwa Ness (Microsoft Research)
- 4 contributed oral talks on "Modeling Uplift from Observational Time-Series in Continual Scenarios", "From IID to the Independent Mechanisms assumption in continual learning", "Never Ending Reasoning and Learning: Opportunities and Challenges" & "Towards Causal Replay for Knowledge Rehearsal in Continual Learning"
- Tutorial on Continual Learning by Keiland Cooper (University of California, ContinualAI) & Martin Mundt (TU Darmstadt, hessianAI, continualAI)
- Tutorial on Causality by Adèle Helena Ribeiro (University of Marburg) & Devendra Singh Dhami (TU Darmstadt & hessianAI)
- Planned interactive community discussions, ideas for future research, posters etc.
--> Check the website for more details, registration, and a link to join our Continual Causality Slack community!
the organizers of Continual Causality and ContinualAI