Call for submissions - UXPA 2014 London conference

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Lisa Moore

Jan 6, 2014, 7:13:16 PM1/6/14
Hi everyone:

Happy New Year to you all – sorry for the radio silence, but there’s been a lot happening of late :)

One of those ‘happenings’ was the planning around the annual UXPA conference. As some of you on here know, about a year ago, I approached the UXPA UK committee and suggested they might want to create a CS ‘SIG’ as part of their broader structure. Since then, I’ve attempted to bring a more ‘content aware’ vibe to the monthly UXPA UK meetings.

And now I hope we CS folk can do the same with the 2014 conference, which is happening from 21 – 24 July in London. The call for submissions is now open and you can find more info here:

While there is not a specific ‘content strategy’ track as part of this year’s conference (well, not yet!), I think the conference theme of ‘motivation’ lends itself to a variety of interpretations and gives us CS practitioners an opportunity to share knowledge and best practice regarding content’s role in the user experience.

Plus, if you submit, you review (at least two other submissions), so you have a chance to shape the conference, as well. Or, if you prefer, you can register to be a reviewer only.

Anyway, I do hope some of you will consider submitting and/or reviewing, and I look forward to seeing you at the conference!

-- Lisa
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