Version 0.2.0 available

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Jialei Shen

Nov 9, 2023, 8:00:30 PM11/9/23
to ANT
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your interest in ANT. A new version of ANT, 0.2.0, has been uploaded. It is now available on food4rhino ( Issues with some airflow elements in the earlier versions, e.g., stairwell and two-way opening models, have been fixed in the latest version. Please download the latest ANT to avoid encountering problems in your simulation. Thank you!

In terms of tutorials, I've been busy with resolving the above issues and other matters related to my work. I'll start working on that next week. Hopefully, I will upload some new tutorials and examples later this month, as long as it is not disrupted by the possible government shutdown. Thanks for your patient!


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