Comptatability with Contam 3.4

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Kenneth Leung

Jul 8, 2024, 12:20:38 PMJul 8
to ANT
Hi all,

I noticed that on Food4Rhino the description says it is compatible with CONTAM 3.5, however I am not aware of the release of CONTAM 3.5; the latest one available would be 3.4(.0.5), may I ask if I have interpreted this wrongly? or is it also compatible with 3.4?

Building on the question above, I have tried creating a .prj with ANT successfully, however I was unable to open the .prj with CONTAM contamw3.exe (I haven't yet downloaded May I ask if this is supposed to happen? 

Thank you

Best regards,
Kenneth Leung

Jialei Shen

Jul 8, 2024, 1:01:12 PMJul 8
to ANT
Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for reaching out. CONTAM 3.5 has not been released yet. Hopefully it will be released later this year or next year. ANT uses the new ContamP API designed for v3.5. That's why it's not able to open the PRJ files created by ANT with CONTAM 3.4. Some earlier versions of ANT are compatible with 3.4, but their use is not recommended due to potential bugs and errors.

I'm curious about your need to open ANT PRJ files with CONTAM. It's important to note that ANT PRJ files do not contain icon information, meaning you won't see any 2D sketches or icons in CONTAM. If you're familiar with PRJ files, you can open them with any text editor to access the information. In my opinion, the PRJ files for v3.5 are more readable than those for v3.4... Like ContamW, ANT on Rhino/Grasshopper is designed to be a new user interface for creating PRJ files and running IAQ simulations, ideally serving as an alternative to ContamW.

Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks for your support!


Dols, William Stuart (Fed)

Jul 8, 2024, 1:02:06 PMJul 8
to Kenneth Leung, ANT


ANT is based on a pre-release version of CONTAM 3.5 and associated APIs.
The PRJs created with ANT do not have any SketchPad data associated with them, so there is not much point in using ContamW to edit them.
We are hoping to release CONTAM 3.5 within the next calendar year.


- Stuart

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Kenneth Leung

Jul 9, 2024, 7:19:19 PMJul 9
to ANT
Hi Stuart and Jialei,

Thank you for the response. I understand now. I was hoping to open it with ContamW because we have an existing workflow for  ContamW and I wanted to link it with ANT. I will look for another way, thank you!

Best regards,
Kenneth Leung

Jialei Shen

Jul 9, 2024, 7:21:05 PMJul 9
to ANT
Sounds good. Feel free to let us know if you have other questions.


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