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SwellRT contest for a decentralized free web

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Aug 28, 2016, 2:59:05 PM8/28/16
to Douglas Rushkoff,

Dear all,

I think that the following call might be of interest to some members of the list. Please, feel free to disseminate it (thanks!):

Imágenes integradas 1

If you like to code, free software and to boost a decentralized Internet,

the SwellRT project invites you to participate in its

Free Software Contest

3000€, 2000€ and 1000€ prizes will be awarded to the best 3 projects
which use or improve SwellRT technology.

Find more info at:

Imágenes integradas 2

SwellRT is a real-time decentralized storage platform

enabling real-time collaboration for Web applications.

Multiple users can share and edit JavaScript objects in real-time

with transparent conflict resolution (eventual consistency).

Changes are distributed in real-time to any user or app accessing the shared object.

SwellRT provides also out-of-the-box collaborative rich-text editing

for Web applications through an extensible text editor Web component and API.

SwellRT can be deployed as a decentralized network,

so shared objects can be stored  and synced in different federated servers in real time.

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