A one year update on GREI from ODSS Director Dr. Susan K. Gregurick

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Aaron Doran

Jun 9, 2023, 5:08:36 PM6/9/23
to Contact GREI
GREI Gregurick Blog v3.png

Dr. Susan K. Gregurick, Director of the Office of Data Science Strategy recently published a blog discussing the success of GREI's first year. Please check it out here: 
https://datascience.nih.gov/director/directors-blog-may-2023-greiAlong with discussing upcoming initiatives, such as developing a shared metadata schema across GREI member repositories, Dr. Gregurick reiterates that this Google Group is available as a space to ask questions, offer feedback, and discuss the GREI project.In GREI's second year the Community Engagement group is putting renewed focus on this group. So if you have something you'd like to discuss with the us, don't hesitate to email  and open a thread in the group!

Also, here is where you can find some current GREI resources:About GREI: https://datascience.nih.gov/data-ecosystem/generalist-repository-ecosystem-initiativeGREI Collaborative Webinar Series: Recordings and Slides available at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/JZU37GREI Training & Outreach Calendar - webinars, workshops, conferences - individual repositories and GREI collaborativeGREI Fact Sheet https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21318270.v1Generalist Repository Comparison Chart https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3946720GREI Community on Zenodo - new location for GREI materials, reports, slides to be shared:  https://zenodo.org/communities/grei/
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