Sign up today: GREI Collaborative Webinar: Meaningful Metrics on Oct 13

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Sep 22, 2023, 2:13:11 PM9/22/23
to Contact GREI
Dear GREI Community,

We are excited to share the details of an upcoming GREI Collaborative Webinar, entitled Meaningful Metrics on Oct 13 at 9:30am ET.

The GREI metrics webinar will explore the context of Make Data Count and the implementation of meaningful data metrics across the GREI initiative. Metrics play an important role in the path of data becoming a standalone research output and ultimately could help incentivize researchers to share more of their data. We will hear from Dataverse in their efforts to expose meaningful metrics and engage in a moderated discussion. Researchers and academic staff who are interested in responsible research data metrics, representatives from data repositories, and NIH staff interested in how GREI repositories have implemented usage metrics are invited to the GREI Metrics subcommittee’s Collaborative Webinar on October 13 at 9:30 am ET. Registration is free and open to all who are interested.

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