Cant deregister a service with management token

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John F

May 18, 2020, 3:00:16 PM5/18/20
to Consul
I have a service in the catalog that was registered by a consul client agent. The client no longer exists. The vm it was running on has been destroyed. From a consul server node I am unable to delete the service entry, the answer I get from consul services deregister -id=api -token=<randommanagementtokenhere> is "service does not exist". However, the service and the node are listed in the catalog in the gui and marked as down because the box doesn't exist and the check is failing. Does anyone have any advice for me in this situation?

Matthew Keeler

May 18, 2020, 3:09:14 PM5/18/20
to, John F
The consul services deregister command uses the agent API to deregister a service from a particular agent. The GUI and the consul services CLI command are using the catalog APIs to get the service listings which is why there is that discrepancy. There isn’t a corresponding CLI to manually deregister a service from the Catalog but you can curl the API like:

curl -X PUT -H “X-Consul-Token: <your token>” <consul address>/v1/catalog/deregister -d  ‘{“Datacenter”: “<datacenter of the deleted vm>”, “Node”: “<node name of the delete vm>”, “ServiceID”: “<service id of the service to delete>”}’

If you don’t specify the service id in the payload then it will remove that node from the catalog and all services associated with it.

Matt Keeler

On May 18, 2020 at 3:00:20 PM, John F ( wrote:

I have a service in the catalog that was registered by a consul client agent. The client no longer exists. The vm it was running on has been destroyed. From a consul server node I am unable to delete the service entry, the answer I get from consul services deregister -id=api -token=<randommanagementtokenhere> is "service does not exist". However, the service and the node are listed in the catalog in the gui and marked as down because the box doesn't exist and the check is failing. Does anyone have any advice for me in this situation?

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John F

May 18, 2020, 6:07:30 PM5/18/20
to Consul
Thanks Matt! That was exactly what I needed.

As a followup question can you enumerate the minimum acl permissions a client agent would need in order to deregister its own service? I've got a client holding a token with the following acl:
{"node": {"testnode": {"policy": "write"}}, "query_prefix": {"": {"policy": "read"}}, "node_prefix": {"": {"policy": "read"}}, "service_prefix": {"": {"policy": "write"}}}
and if I try to deregister a service from this node by removing the service check I get a permission denied error.
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Matthew Keeler

May 19, 2020, 9:11:02 AM5/19/20
to, John F
When deregistering a service from a node in the catalog it should only require write privileges on the service name. The service_prefix rule in the policy below should work. Are you using legacy ACLs (rules in the tokens) or are these rules in an ACL policy linked with some token?

If using legacy ACLs the *_prefix rules do not exist but rather all rules are prefix matching and I think it probably will silently ignore the extra unknown keys (probably should be fixed).

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John F

May 19, 2020, 12:22:34 PM5/19/20
to Consul
In this case I am using rules in ACL policies linked to a token (the post-v1.4? way)

Matthew Keeler

May 21, 2020, 2:06:08 PM5/21/20
to, John F
Could you elaborate a little on the various entities and APIs in use here. Is the “client” a Consul Client Agent or just another application that can use the Consul API? Are you seeing any permission denied errors in the logs regarding RPCs?
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