edited book dedicated to Tseytin

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Kreinovich, Vladik

Jul 11, 2023, 10:48:48 PM7/11/23
to construc...@googlegroups.com, edan...@roosevelt.edu, Kreinovich, Vladik

Dear Friends,


As many of you know, Grigory Tseytin, one of the pioneers of constructive mathematics and the author of one of the original non-trivial results – that every constructive function is continuous – died last August. Several of his friends and colleagues suggested that a good way to commemorate his life and his research is to have

an edited (mostly) research book dedicated to Gregory Tseytin – TseytinFestScript of sorts. We have already discussed this idea with some of you.


SPRINGER AGREED. We have an official approval of Springer: our Springer editor colleague Janusz Kacprzyk agreed to publish such a book on one of the book series that he edits – provided, of course, that we collect enough papers for such a book.




·       This is a good possibility to publish some unpublished texts by Tseytin himself – or to re-publish something of his that is buried in a not-very accessible place, maybe with an up-to-date commentary.

·       This is a good opportunity to analyze how Tseytin’s ideas affected research.


·       This is a great opportunity to publish something new related (even if tangentially) to one of Tseytin’s many research fields.


It may be something that you have (or almost have) already.  It may be something that one of the your students has – as long as it even tangentially related to one of Tseytin’s research areas.  It may be something more philosophical and less mathematical than usual research papers – after all, Tseytin was also interested in methodological and philosophical aspects; but of course more mathematical papers will be great too.


And of course, this is a great opportunity to publish our recollections about him, short if needed.


Let us know if you are interested and if yes, a preliminary title will be helpful.


LOGICSTICS: TITLE. While Tseytin started in constructive mathematics, he worked in many different research areas. The title of the book will be determined based on what chapters we receive, so that it be general enough to include all – or at least most – chapters but also specific enough not to include everything.


If you have good idea about such a title, please let us know.


LOGICSTICS: DEADLINE. Let us aim for January 1, 2024 submissions deadline. Let us know if you need more time.


LOGICSTICS: FORMATS. Springer has LaTeX and Word formats for its edited books. In general, it is not necessary to follow these formats, any format is OK: in our experience, Springer folks will, if needed, move everything to their format – although, of course, if the paper is already in the Springer format, this will make Springer processing faster.


OTHERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN. If you know of someone who may be interested in joining this book project, either forward to them this info or lets us know, we will invite them.


Hope to hear from you -- and to get some chapters.


Many thanks


Zhenya Dantsin and Vladik Kreinovich


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