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Workshop on Teaching of Constraint Programming WTCP 2023 Call for Papers

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Helmut Simonis

Jun 15, 2023, 11:40:51 AM6/15/23
to Constraints
Workshop on Teaching Constraint Programming 2023 Call for Papers

The workshop on Teaching of Constraint Programming (WTCP) 2023 is an event organized as part of CP 2023, the 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. It will be held on August 27th, directly preceding the CP conference. This follows an earlier workshop, WTCP2015, at CP 2015 in Cork.

The aim of the workshop is to present and collect information about the different
ways Constraint Programming is taught in academia and industry, to identify
best practices, and create an up-to-date list of resources that are available for
teachers and potential students.

The previous workshop at CP 2015 provided a snapshot of the field at that
time. Since 2015, many new courses have been prepared, while the Covid-19
pandemic has challenged many of the assumptions on how courses should be
taught. We feel it is time to again collect and disseminate information about
the state of teaching of Constraint Programming.

Workshop topics include:
  • Evaluation of in-person and on-line courses on Constraint Programming and related topics
  • Overviews of curriculum covered in courses
  • Outreach programs to reach non-traditional audiences
  • Discussion of different teaching formats, based on practical experience over time
  • Feedback from students about reception of CP courses and materials
Important Dates
  • Paper Submission July 14th, 2023
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection July 28th, 2023
  • Camera ready version August 8th, 2023
  • Workshop day August 27th, 2023
This workshop will accept a variety of submission formats related to CP education. In addition to the presentation of research results and teaching case studies, we especially welcome submissions of instructional demos, recent breakthroughs, future directions, and descriptions of interesting aspects of CP education or educational methods that can be brought to the CP community.

There are two types of paper submissions: extended abstracts (at most two pages) and full papers (at most fifteen pages). References are not part of the page limit. Papers are submitted through EasyChair via, as a PDF file following LIPIcs guidelines (

We also accept (and strongly encourage) non-traditional electronic submissions, such as demonstrations of CP courses you have been a part of, presentations on lessons learned from CP courses, etc.

All submissions will be reviewed and those that are well-written and make a worthwhile contribution to the topic of the workshop will be accepted for publication in the workshop proceedings. The proceedings will be available electronically at CP 2023. Accepted contributions will be allowed a time slot for a presentation at the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper/presentation must attend and present at the workshop. Please note that every workshop participant needs to be registered for the workshop.

If you have any questions about the workshop, please contact the chairs: Tejas Santanam and Helmut Simonis (
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