registration open for ML for CP summer school

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Tias Guns

Apr 20, 2023, 7:40:17 AM4/20/23
Dear constraint solving community,

Registration for the ACP Summer School on "Machine Learning for
Constraint Programming", 10 to 14 July 2013, is now open!

The summer school will have a mix of talks and hands-on lab sessions,
given by experts in the integration of ML and constraint solving:
Hendrik Blockeel, Quentin Cappart, Ferdinando Fioretto, Tias Guns, Elias
Khalil, Wouter Kool, Lars Kotthoff, Michele Lombardi, Dimos Tsouros and
Yingqian Zhang

Topics range from introductory sessions to sessions on automated tuning,
prediction-based solving, reinforcement learning for branching and
solution approximation, decision-focused learning, constraint
acquisition and more. Only basic ML/constraint knowledge required to

There will also be a poster session for participants to present their
own work, and a small-groups hackathon to experiment and get feedback on
integrations that you care about.

Registration fees are purposefully kept low for PhD students:
- PhD student *with* shared accommodation: 430 euro for the 5 days
- PhD student, no accommodation: 250 euro
- Regular (non-PhD) registration: 450 euro

Leuven, located in Belgium, Europe, is a vibrant and accessible city and
the summer school will have both included and optional social activities.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Leuven,
Tias Guns and team

[please forward to your PhD students and others that might be interested!]

Tias Guns

May 23, 2023, 5:55:06 AM5/23/23
Hi All,

Reminder for the ACP Summer School on "Machine Learning for Constraint Programming", 10 to 14 July 2013 in Belgium.

The reduced-price PhD registration with shared accommodation closes in 8 days (June 1)! Take advantage of it while you still can...

Registration without accommodation will stay open until end of June.

Looking forward to an exciting week in July!
Tias and team
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