A better way to govern ourselves than simple elections might be
called a “Darwinian” (or "Darwinoid") process, similar to what is
done using
(or evolutionary) algorithms. Perhaps the best historical
example of that was the
system. It could be implemented in many ways. Consider one
1. At the precinct level (using the U.S.model of equipopulous
precincts) two equal sized panels are selected by lot, or sortition.
Then they select a pool of candidates to the next level (ward) by
each panel voting for the best ten percent of the members of the
other panel, and together for an equal number of individuals from
outside either panel.
2. Candidates from the precinct pool are drawn at random to form two
equal sized ward panels. The process is repeated to select two equal
sized district panels.
3. The process is repeated to form two equal sized state panels
(unless there are political subdivisions in between), and again to
form two equal sized national panels.
4. The process is repeated to select a small number, say nine,
candidates for the one national pool, from which a single official
is selected at random.
A similar multi-step process would be used to select legislators,
judges, administrators, etc.
In the judicial track, pairs of grand juries would select members of
the next grand or any trial juries, and pose the questions they are
to decide, after consulting with witnesses.
So random selection alternates with fitness election in a way that
should enable the best and brightest (who don’t necessarily want the
job) to bubble up to the top. Each participant in the process has an
incentive to vote for the best rather than just a fellow partisan,
because an obvious partisan would be less likely to survive to reach
a higher level.
Voting rules within panels would use super majority votes, approval
voting, or some other alternative to first-past-the-post.
-- Jon
Constitution Society http://constitution.org
13359 N Hwy 183 #406-144 twitter.com/lex_rex
Austin, TX 78750 512/299-5001 jon.r...@constitution.org