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Nancy Spirkoff

Dec 4, 2008, 3:50:43 PM12/4/08
to constitution-p...@googlegroups.com

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From: <gro...@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Constitution Party News and Information

Constitution Party
News and Information
Arizona Constitution
Party State Organizing
Convention "A Huge Success!"
Nancy Shearer Chiasson, former temporary State Chairman of the new Constitution Party of Arizona and Convention Chairman for this past Saturday's (November 15)  State Convention reports:
"I am thrilled to report that the new Arizona State Convention was a huge success!!!  We have a slate of terrific new officers and national committeemen.  Every motion passed without dissent.  We adopted the National Platform as our own, reaffirmed our affiliation with the national Constitution Party, adopted bylaws, scored 5 new county chairmen,  and raised enough money to pay for the meeting.  I have done a lot of these organizational meetings over the years, and this one was the best ever.  We had an unusually outstanding group show up.  I feel very optimistic about the ballot drive for 2010."
Chiasson is the daughter of the late William K. Shearer, former Constitution Party National Chairman and founder of California's American Independent Party, an original affiliate state party of the US Taxpayer's Party, which changed its name to the Constitution Party in 1999.
The following state officers were elected for the 2008-2010 term: 
Chairman – Mark Hubler
Vice-Chairman – Chris Bragan
Secretary – Mike Braunberger
Treasurer – Stephanie Cox
Newly elected Chairman  Mark Hubler appointed the following people to fill additional offices:
Parliamentarian – Thom Strawn
Chaplain – Pastor Tim Coleman
Organizational Liaison – Ken Becht
Ken Becht and Randy George were elected to the position of National Committeemen for the 2008-10 term.
A  strategy for ballot access was discussed.  It was determined that the first step necessary was to acquire local leadership for each of Arizona's counties.  To this end it was agreed that Chairman Hubler would make the following appointments of temporary county chairmen to start organizing in the following counties:
Apache County -  Mark Haynes
Coconino County – Stuart Cole
Maricopa County – Chris Bragan
Navajo County – Wayne Jones
Pinal County – Randy George
Yavapai County – Thom Strawn
Attendance at the convention was excellent and the Constitution Party of Arizona now has a 25 member State Central Committee with which to begin it efforts to build  for the future.
The Convention voted to adopt the following Statement of Principles and Goals:
"America needs the leadership of the Constitution Party of Arizona
We pledge to:
·       Stop the undeclared wars which are daily costing American lives and billions of tax dollars;
·       End America's dependence on foreign oil;
·       Stop reckless spending, including foreign aid, and take care of America's domestic needs;
·       End debt financing of the Federal government;
·       Get rid of the Federal income tax, and restore a tariff-based revenue system;
·       Immediately terminate international trade agreements such as NAFTA, WTO, and the FTAA, and stop sending high paying American jobs to foreign countries;
·       Close the borders to illegal immigration, and stop all government subsidies to illegal aliens;
·       Defend America's moral values; keep God in the pledge of allegiance;
·       Protect the right to life of the innocent unborn and the elderly;
·       Support high standards in education, including encouragement of private schools and home schooling;
·       Stop judicial tyranny and legislating from the bench;
·       Defend Second Amendment rights;
·       Restore a debt-free, interest-free money system;
·       Uphold traditional marriage and family values.
The Constitution Party of Arizona adopted the Constitution Party National Platform as it's own in Convention November 15, 2008.  To read the entire platform go to
Join us as we work toward ballot qualification in Arizona and a return to Constitutional Government as envisioned by our founding fathers for our State and nation."
Outgoing Chairman Chiasson thanked everyone for their participation, making the first CPAZ State Convention a great success, and expressed how honored she was to have had the opportunity to meet and work with such outstanding people.
Incoming Chairman Hubler thanked everyone for the honor of being elected chairman and expressed his desire to do everything in his power to advance the State organization and attain ballot access for the 2010 election.
Anyone wishing more information about the Constitution Party in Arizona should contact State Chairman Mark Hubler at freedom...@gmail.com.
Chuck Baldwin breaks CP record for presidential votes! 
Chuck Baldwin has reportedly broken the Constitution Party record for most presidential votes. The previous record had been set by Howard Phillips in 1996 and was 184,820 votes.  Chuck Baldwin, according to David Leip's US Election Atlas, has 186,335 votes. Write-in votes from a number of states have not been counted or finalized. Howard Phillips' record was set during a year that the Constitution Party was on the ballot in some of the most populous states in the Union; Illinois, Texas, California, and Pennsylvania. Our of those four states, Chuck Baldwin was only on Illinois' ballot in 2008.  (Source: Independent Political Report)


 "Constitution on Fire" TV
John McManus will be the special guest on our Internet TV program "Constitution on Fire" on Monday November 17th @9:00PM EST (6PM Pacific) on TheValuesVoters.Blogspot.com which is produced by Constitution Party members and supporters.  We will be discussing the accomplishments of the John Birch Society plus the demise of the Republican Party, and where do we go from here.  We will discuss some of the challenges this new Obamamination will cause for us, and how conservatives could come together to lobby against this new evil government.
Viewers can participate in the online chat and ask questions that can be relayed to Mr. McManus.


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