To Save the Economy...By Darrell Castle

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Mark Hubler

Feb 11, 2009, 10:13:03 AM2/11/09
to Constitution Party of Arizona
Hello Fellow Patriots,

As we all are feeling the crunch of the crashing American Economy,
there are many questions being asked, and much misinformation given
freely by our sold-out media. As we attempt to move our state and
nation back to is Biblical, limited constitutional republic as
established by our Founding Fathers, we need to have some answers. We
need practical advice. We need information the IS NOT coming from our
mainline media sources. We should be educating ourselves in this area.
This is an area that is not being properly addressed by the two big
box political parties, nor will it be addressed. The reason they will
not properly address these issues is because they BOTH are the

To answer some of these questions, Darrell Castle has written an
excellent article on what needs to be done to save our economy. And, I
might add, our nation. Our freedoms can never be properly restored as
long as we continue to owe massive amounts of money to private banks
that have no interest but their own. And our freedoms certainly cannot
be restored while we are massively indebted to nations that only wish
our demise!

If you remember, Darrell Castle was the Vice Presidential on the
ticket with for the Constitution Party. Please take the time to read
and understand the essay below. This should help us to understand and
be able to speak to the econimic issues we are facing.

If we are believing lies, we can never be free. The Lord says "The
truth will set you free".

God Bless America,

Mark Hubler
'A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big
enough to take away everything you have.'
-Thomas Jefferson


Darrell L. Castle

Is the current tactic being employed to save the American financial
system, the bailout, working? The answer to that question depends on
your definition of the word "working". If by "working" you mean the
transferring of the nation's wealth from working Americans to the
bankers; the exponential accumulation of debt that must be repaid with
interest by future generations; the destruction of the value of the
dollar and with that destruction the lowering of the standard of
living of working and retired Americans, creating the conditions that
make martial law inevitable and with that declaration of martial law a
world currency and world central bank; the nationalization of the
American financial system; the ensconcing in positions of power,
privilege, and dominance over the system of the very people who caused
the crises in the first place, it has worked in spectacular fashion.

If you define "working" as ending the credit crises and freeing
credit for business to put people back to work; allowing stable and
profitable banks to emerge and lead the system back to stability; the
avoidance of taxpayer money being used to pay huge bonuses and
salaries to executives who have led their companies to failure; the
avoidance of taxpayer money being used by banks to acquire stable,
profitable companies including those not in the financial industry;
avoidance of economic depression and with it the conditions of civil
unrest and chaos, then it has been an abject failure.

The bailout and the coming economic stimulus follow what Keynesian
economic theory dictates that we do. Keynesians believe that
recessions are caused by a drop in aggregate demand. The Keynesian
answer then is to increase demand by lowering interest rates. When
interest rates are lowered to zero, which they now have been, without
a corresponding increase in demand, it is because we are not
squandering our money fast enough and thus the government must step in
with a "stimulus" and squander it for us. This theory and tactic has
worked in the past but will it work now? Not only will this tactic not
work, it can't work because for the first time in history debt, both
public and private, has reached exponential growth. A problem caused
by too much debt and credit that is too loose cannot be fixed by
piling on more debt and more loose credit. More importantly, it can't
work because the underlying productive economy has been destroyed. Our
manufacturing has been taken off shore to China, and Mexico. Our
information technology has been taken off shore to India. Our
financial system is obviously bankrupt.

Is there anything that can be done then to save this economy? Yes,
there are many things that we could do which collectively would bring
economic recovery very quickly.

1. End The FED. Monetary reform and economic recovery are not possible
unless Congress is able to recover its Constitutional authority over
our monetary system. The growth of debt must be stopped and reversed,
and the debt based system of monetary creation through interest
bearing bank credit must be reversed if we are to recover. The Federal
Reserve Act of 1913 should be rescinded and the FED banks liquidated
and their assets turned over to the US treasury. It would be
acceptable for them to continue under a different name as independent
clearinghouse banks. Once Congress regains its Constitutional
authority over money, it could issue money based on the full faith and
credit of the United States or said another way, based on the labor
and productive capacity of the American people. This money and credit
would keep the economy functioning and prevent depression while we
transitioned from our present debt based system to the gold standard.
Some type of income restitution should be considered to replace money
stolen from the American people through the FED's 95 years of fraud
and theft. It could be called a negative income tax or income
restitution, or simply a people's dividend. This people's dividend
could be paid from Congress directly to the American people on a
monthly basis for a temporary period of two years. The payments,
which would assist with the government's transition to a gold standard
would replace much of our current welfare system and would go equally
to all citizens who are eighteen years of age or older and who are not
in prison, on parole or on probation. The two year time period would
give Congress plenty of time for the transition as well as time to
evaluate the dividend's effectiveness.

2. Withdraw From Both Wars Immediately. Our nation has never been able
to pay for these wars except through massive debt or massive
inflation. Immediate withdrawal would save at least a trillion

3. Secure Our Borders. Securing our borders would relieve pressure on
the social systems of state and local governments which are now asking
for bailouts of their own. The Federal Government should perform its
constitutionally mandated duty under Article 4, Section 4 and protect
the states from invasion. All immigration, even legal immigration,
should be stopped until our borders are secure and our social systems
and economy are under control. Immigration laws should be enforced
within the United States. This would save several hundred billion
dollars per year.

4. Repeal All So Called Free Trade Agreements Such As NAFTA, WTO, and
GATT. These agreements serve the interests of international mega
corporations and foreign governments at the expense of the American
people by encouraging manufacturing jobs to locate off shore. These
agreements also serve to destroy small farms and small businesses in
favor of those same mega corporations thus rendering the American
people dependent on the whims of government for the necessities of
life. This would save several hundred billion dollars per year.

5. Withdraw From All Foreign Alliances and International
Organizations. These agreements and organizations such as the UN and
NATO continually seek to destroy American sovereignty and tend to lead
us into foreign wars that have little or nothing to do with the
defense of America. A free and independent people should have no part
in such agreements and organizations. This would save hundreds of
billions of dollars per year and would allow for the rebuilding of our
military for the true defense of the American people and our way of

6. Close Down Much Of The Federal Government. Many federal departments
such as the Department of Education, Department of Energy, Department
of Transportation, and the Department of Commerce serve no useful
purpose and should be closed and their assets liquidated and returned
to the US treasury. The primary effect of these departments seems to
be the increase of government power and control over the lives of the
American people. This would save at least several hundred billion
dollars per year.

7. Abolish The IRS And The Income Tax. The cost saving ideas
previously listed and discussed would allow for a balanced budget and
the American economy would rebound very quickly. The government, then
reduced to Constitutional size, could easily be funded by a small, non-
punitive, tariff. There should be no direct federal tax on the
American people. This would save untold amounts of money.

8. Repudiate All Public Debt To The Banks. Public and private debt are
very different in that a private debtor voluntarily pledges his own
assets, income, etc. in return for a loan and thus the creditor
foregoes the use of present money in expectation of being repaid with
interest. A public debtor, on the other hand, pledges other people's
future income and assets which that public debtor must take from those
people by force. None of them had direct say in the making of the
debt. In addition, much public debt to the banks was incurred through
fraud and extortion of the kind that occurred when Congress was
intimidated into voting for the bailout with threats of civil unrest
and martial law. These tactics would land most people in prison if
used in private business deals. Foreign governments who hold American
debt should be assured of repayment and their investments should be
protected as much as possible thus foreign trade could continue and
government could continue to be funded. There should be plenty of
money available to redeem our bonds, etc. from foreign governments and
this would have the additional benefit of reducing our dependence and
vulnerability to blackmail.

9. The Portion Of The Public Debt Owed To Other Federal Agencies
Should Be Written Off. The federal government carries a large amount
of debt owed to various departments of the Federal Government and this
debt should be written of and stricken from the books.

If the Federal Government would take the steps outlined in this
article the American economy would not only recover but would unleash
a new era of innovation and production. Do Congress and the new
President care enough about the American people, their lives, their
families, their liberty, their security and their peace to do these
things? So far the answer appears to be no, but time will tell. If the
Federal Government were to take these steps, it should then back off
and leave the economy alone. As someone once said, "there is no
problem that government can't make worse". Personal and business debt
would be shaken out through payment, write-offs, bankruptcy, and other
methods. There would be a quick recovery and balance sheets would soon
return to normal. Instead, our government has reduced interest rates
to zero and will soon "stimulate" the economy with hundreds of
billions of dollars of borrowed or created money which will make the
problem worse, a lot worse. What happens when the government's tactics
do not work? Well, I suppose that is one reason why all those Federal
troops have been assigned to Northern Command.


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