Unable to Access Constellio Web portal

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Byron Tesecum

Sep 16, 2019, 1:58:01 PM9/16/19
to Constellio EN

From all the scattered documentation I am learning about Constellio, it is a promising solution for Records Management I almost feel that MS SharePoint RM got its ideas from this project. Non-the-less I have looked briefly at the User and Amin documentation quite detailed. However there is not clear guide as to how to install constellio from scratch in a in an OS such as CentOS or Debian, RedHat has one guide but certainly one has to buy a License from RedHat once the trial period expires.

I am trying to test Constellio using the Constellio latest VM downlaod from Constellio website. I imported the VM into Oracle Virtual Box. I am able to login as user "constellio" found here http://documentation.constellio.com/display/EGC/VM+Installation+guide .  I tried accessing the root of the Constellio box but don't have a password for user root (can we get access to this?) as I wanted to install the CentOS Desktop GUI to see if I can launch the portal from the VM but no luck here either since no root password.

I gather that the Constellio portal can be access from http://machineIP:8080/constellio but not luck.
I checked for the port 8080 on the constellio command line but notice it's on IP6, can we change this IPv4 instead. perhaps try to make it easy for anyone to test the constellio software.

Please see the attached screenshot image.

Any response is much appreciated.


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