Cheap Wireless Router and DD-WRT Hack

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Paul Szymkowiak

Feb 24, 2010, 11:16:20 AM2/24/10
Its not the same Asus WL500gP V2 Router we've worked on previously, but it looks like a possible alternative: thought I'd pass on the details for anyone interested, in the interests of variety :)

Zazz are running a deal today only (25th of Feb) for a Tenga model W311R Wireless N broadband router

And I located this on the DD-WRT forums:

Note that:
 - the hack isn't as "elegant" as the Asus: the serial output pins (RX and TX) and the ground pin aren't as nicely co-located.
 - no idea how painful it will be to tap into a 5v power feed, if at all (its 9v into the Router).
 - I haven't researched the available space in the chassis/ case is, so not clear how much room is available for Xbee, Arduino, LCD etc. 
 - the instructions for the hack were first posted on 04 Oct 2008, however the last update was Thu Jan 07, 2010, so I'm assuming its current. However, its possible the Zazz unit is slightly newer and that your mileage might vary.
 - the Tenga works out at AUS$38.90, including shipping for the 1st Router; $34.45 ea for up to 2 additional Routers per order.
 - the Tenga is a Wireless N Router


Paul Szymkowiak

Luke Weston

Feb 24, 2010, 6:45:57 PM2/24/10
to Connected Community HackerSpace

I think that having a router that is easy to obtain, has a secure
supply of the same model available on an ongoing basis, is easy to
wire up, is well supported by OpenWRT (not just DDWRT), is easy to
flash and has room inside it is more important than having the
absolute cheapest router that you can find. However, having one that
is cheap is certainly a bonus.
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