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How to configure Control Center to monitor multiple clusters

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Wonjae Song

Apr 19, 2021, 4:06:50β€―AM4/19/21
to Confluent Platform

I was wondering how to see broker's metrics via a single control center.

I installed confluent platforms and then set up two kafka clusters(test1-cluster and test2-cluster).

Each kafka cluster enabled "metrics reporter" to monitor.
1) test1-cluster's broker properties
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=test1-cluster broker:9092,...
2) test2-cluster's broker properties
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=test2-cluster broker:9092,...

In test1-cluster, I configured the control center and edit properties file, as follows:
bootstrap.servers=test1-cluster broker:9092
zookeeper.connect=test1-cluster zookeeper:2181/test1-cluster
confluent.controlcenter.kafka.test2-cluster.bootstrap.servers=test2-cluster broker:9092
confluent.controlcenter.kafka.test2-cluster.zookeeper.connect=test2-cluster zookeeper:2181/test2-cluster

But I couldn't see the test2-cluster's metrics and any information about ksqlDB and Connectors in my control center.
So I changed the value for test2-cluster's metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers to test1-cluster's value.

1) test1-cluster's broker properties
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=test1-cluster broker:9092,...
2) test2-cluster's broker properties
confluent.metrics.reporter.bootstrap.servers=test1-cluster broker:9092,...

Now, I can see the test2-cluster's metrics, but I've not seen the information about ksqlDB and Connectors yet. Is it correct to use the same metrics reporter across multiple clusters? If it is correct, what additional changes are done to see ksqlDB and connectors in my control center?

Thank you.

Haji imam syafei sjom msc Musa isa al-qqsa

May 1, 2021, 8:58:39β€―PM5/1/21
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