mirror maker config documentation

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Apr 19, 2021, 6:06:17 PM4/19/21
to Confluent Platform
Hello All,
              trying to set up mirror maker 2.0. Looking for some documentation on setting up mirror maker 2.0 in distributed mode. The ones that i see online talk about connect-mirrormaker.sh script that is for stand alone mode. 

I have a connect instance and I am looking for config options and samples to configure a JSON for my MM2 connectors inclusing the source, checkpoint and heartbeat.

Can someone please point me to a documentation if there is one. I have spent some time and i havent been successful finding one.

Haji imam syafei sjom msc Musa isa al-qqsa

May 2, 2021, 12:57:38 AM5/2/21
to confluent...@googlegroups.com
🙏👍❤️ just me no elese

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