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Concerto account issues

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Jan 2, 2024, 9:11:23 AM1/2/24
to Concerto Digital Signage

As a heads up, I am completely new to Concerto. I work as a Technology Coordinator at a Senior Living Facility which we have several monitors displaying daily news to the residents. I am in replace of the previous IT guy who set concerto up on his machine. He was the only one with admin access. My question is, is there any way to keep the concerto panel and all the information we already have but add a new user (myself) with admin properties? Or is it possible to gain access to the previous admin account and reassign it to myself? If not do you know the best way to go about this without starting from scratch. With the existing account I am on now, I am not able to see all the panels that the man before me has created and no longer have his password. I hope this makes sense. 

Thank you kindly, 

Tyra Hargrove


Jan 10, 2024, 10:06:32 AM1/10/24
to Concerto Digital Signage
Good morning, 

Just wondering if this is an active support conversational thread. I posted this question about a week ago and haven't heard back. Hope someone is able to help!

Looking forward to hearing from you, 
Tyra Hargrove

Naveed Aziz

Jan 16, 2024, 3:08:27 PM1/16/24
ok send me an email from your domain email.

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Meg Richards

Jan 16, 2024, 8:43:45 PM1/16/24
> ok send me an email from your domain email.
Don't do that. It's a spam account.

Easiest thing is to just go into the database and alter the users table. Set your 'is_admin' to true, and theirs to false.


Jure Uranič

Jan 17, 2024, 4:07:14 PM1/17/24

V V sre., 10. jan. 2024 ob 16:06 je oseba Tyra <> napisala:
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Concerto is no longer as popular as it used to be. Here and there you can find someone who even has one. Again, he doesn't know if anyone is even putting it on any computer. Perhaps as a virtual machine. There is little chance that someone would want to add it to a stand-alone server, because there will be problems and you'd better give up :-).

If you would like to add yourself to the list of users, this is otherwise not so terribly difficult.
But if you don't have this option (because the previous admin ran away...) you have to deal with the database:
"concerto_production" and entering a new user in the "User" Table record. For this new user, you specify a username (enk e-mail address), password, which must be encrypted (for example password: clevo207 = $2a$10$wYSdc/7Rv9eogXhZpS8.suY86JjyjJ4MaVE13SdvtYloCmlcvPBSu) and whether the user is an Admin.

Otherwise, I don't know how "native" you are in this business, and I also don't know how the Conceto you use is even installed.

I myself use the stand-alone server version and have Concerto installed on Ubuntu 18.04. I also have WEBMIN on the same server so I can access the database through it.

If your Concerto is part of a virtual machine; for example Oracle's VirtualBox, the database needs to be updated manually. or to install some tool for editing the database on such a machine. Webmin somehow doesn't work, but it would work with PhpMyAdmin.

I hope that I have at least indicated the direction of the solution.

Hello, Jure
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