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plugin to use to play a video

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Vijay Kirpalani

May 16, 2024, 6:14:40 AM5/16/24
to Concerto Digital Signage

I have a video associated with a feed.

I associated a screen with the above feed.

The video is hosted in a local virtual machine based apache server.

On the player i see only a black screen for the video.

I was told that i need to include a plugin for the screen.

can you please tell me which plugin i need to include ?

Is this plugin available on the server ?

Please let me know.


Vijay Kirpalani

May 19, 2024, 2:34:38 AM5/19/24
to Concerto Digital Signage
Hi All,

i looked at the logs to see if it could give me a clue as to why i am getting a black screen.
One thing that stood out is that i see a GET being issued continously. see snippet of the log

INFO --: Started GET "/frontend/10/fields/1/contents.json for at 2024-05-19 02:04:14 -0400
INFO --: processing by frontend::contentscontroller #index as jason
INFO --: parameters: { "screenid =>10, fieldid >=1 }
INFO--: completed 200 OK in 90 ms (Views: 0.2ms | Active Record 8.9 ms)

The player VM is running with IP address of

Not sure if the above log provides a clue as to why my self hosted video is not playing.

I see the same continous log when i do a preview of the screen only difference is that the IP adress is

if any of you could please help me figure out what is going on and what is the fix for the black screen i am seeing
for the self hosted video, please let me know.

Am i missing some configuration ?

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