I think that your problem is not exactly in the server itself, but in the VM settings.
I assume you have the correct network interface selected.
I am attaching a picture of my settings (by the way, the my VM is in Slovenian, but the settings should be in the same place in your language as well).
After changing these settings, start the server, log in, and after entering the password, the IP address should also be displayed if you enter the command: ip addr show
I am also attaching a picture of the output: ip addr show when the wrong network interface is selected (I assume that this is how it is output for you as well)
...and an image when I select the connected network interface.

Since your server is now running inside a local network mask, any browser on that network can search for Concerto. You simply enter the number it gives you: ip addr show (in my case it's In the phone, for example:

I hope it works.
Hello, Yuri