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Concerto installation for virtual machine help

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May 10, 2016, 11:17:23 AM5/10/16
to Concerto Digital Signage
Hi all,

I'm attempting to install the Concerto 2 virtual machine image, specifically the one attached to the Concerto 2 VM image (.ova) link on this page as recommended here

I've encountered an early hurdle in the setup process when prompted for a response to the warning message as i'm not sure what details are required. The error message seems to suggest that I should change the key_buffer prefix to key_buffer_size in order to avoid problems in new sql versions though i'm not positive. Any help here would be appreciated. Does anyone know if there is a user guide for setting up the concerto server using the virtual machine method, I couldn't find one.

Many thanks,


Feb 7, 2020, 1:14:53 PM2/7/20
to Concerto Digital Signage
It worked? Help me

Jurij Uranich

Feb 8, 2020, 1:59:16 PM2/8/20
2. Have Oracle VM Virtual Box installed on your PC before (with vitalization support so you can run 64 bit server versions)
3. Click on OVA package, which will automatically install-import into VM Virtual box.
4. Run the package
5. You can log in to the console as a user: concerto with the password: truc9awr
6. In the next step, the server will offer you a password change ...
7. Check on the server what IP address your VM is carrying.
     # ip addr show
8. Navigate to the browser and enter the IP that the previous command showed you
9. Configure Concerto

I prefer to use Xshell to communicate with the VM.
You can install other control and monitoring tools (Webmin, phpmyadmin ...) on the server.

conceto OVA.jpg

Dne petek, 07. februar 2020 19.14.53 UTC+1 je oseba napisala:

Tarkanhan Turhan

Jan 11, 2024, 3:41:51 PM1/11/24
to Concerto Digital Signage
So how do I change the ip?
8 Şubat 2020 Cumartesi tarihinde saat 21:59:16 UTC+3 itibarıyla Jurij Uranich şunları yazdı:

Tarkanhan Turhan

Jan 11, 2024, 4:01:59 PM1/11/24
to Concerto Digital Signage
The address he gave me is but I cannot log in.

11 Ocak 2024 Perşembe tarihinde saat 23:41:51 UTC+3 itibarıyla Tarkanhan Turhan şunları yazdı:

Jure Uranič

Jan 17, 2024, 12:50:41 PM1/17/24
I think that your problem is not exactly in the server itself, but in the VM settings.

I assume you have the correct network interface selected.

I am attaching a picture of my settings (by the way, the my VM is in Slovenian, but the settings should be in the same place in your language as well).


After changing these settings, start the server, log in, and after entering the password, the IP address should also be displayed if you enter the command: ip addr show

I am also attaching a picture of the output: ip addr show when the wrong network interface is selected (I assume that this is how it is output for you as well)


...and an image when I select the connected network interface.


Since your server is now running inside a local network mask, any browser on that network can search for Concerto. You simply enter the number it gives you: ip addr show (in my case it's In the phone, for example:


I hope it works.

Hello, Yuri

V V čet., 11. jan. 2024 ob 21:41 je oseba Tarkanhan Turhan <> napisala:
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Premisli, če je tole sporočilo vredno izpisa na papir!

Tarkanhan Turhan

Jan 21, 2024, 4:37:22 PM1/21/24
to Concerto Digital Signage
Hello Jurij Uranich, Thank you very much for your quick response but I still did not receive the rope. Likewise, in network settings restriction systems, I tried it only through the virtual machine that gave the local IP address as, I tried it directly on the PC, but unfortunately I could not complete the installation.
17 Ocak 2024 Çarşamba tarihinde saat 20:50:41 UTC+3 itibarıyla Jurij Uranich şunları yazdı:
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