Postdoctoral and PhD positions in trustworthy Human-Robot Interaction, Imperial College London

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Yiannis Demiris

Nov 21, 2020, 7:04:07 AM11/21/20
to concept drift

Dear colleagues,

I have two postdoctoral positions (until April 2024) at the Personal Robotics Laboratory @EEE Department of Imperial College London, on the topic of trustworthy human-robot interaction; we are interested in using machine learning, explainable AI and adaptive shared control to improve human interaction with assistive robots (smart robotic wheelchairs, assistive mobile manipulators)  in healthcare settings. We are interested in long-term human-robot interaction, and as trust as inherently a time-varying concept, dependent on context and changing personal characteristics, it has strong relations with ideas from concept/model drift, hence posting to this list.

This is part of the new UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems programme’s Node on Trust, with our (interdisciplinary) collaborators at Herriot Watt and Manchester universities, involving people from psychology, linguistics, computer science, machine learning, and robotics. .

 You can get an idea of our lab’s research through our publications and videos at

For more details, and to apply for the postdoc positions (deadline 8 Dec 2020), please see:

I also have multiple funded PhD positions (at the UK/EU fees level) for students interested in the topics above. If you are interested in these, and you have a strong background in AI/ML/Robotics, please send me an email directly.

I would appreciate it if you forward this email to people that might find it of interest.

 With my best wishes,


Professor Yiannis Demiris, FIET, FBCS, FRSS
Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies
Director, Personal Robotics Laboratory
Head, Intelligent Systems and Networks Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Rm 1011,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus,
Exhibition Road, London, SW7 2BT, UK
Tel: +44-(0)2075946300, Fax: +44-(0)2075946274
Twitter: @YiannisDemiris
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