Performance Tuning Dojo #1: vmtouch

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Federico Lucifredi

Mar 7, 2012, 12:36:03 AM3/7/12
to Computing Performance
Hello Computing Performance,
I am happy to announce that I have joined Linux New Media as a
columnist for Admin Magazine in the Fall. "Performance Tuning Dojo"
will appear in the coming issue of the magazine (those of you in
Europe already have access to it), and covers page loading behavior
and forcing (or better yet making consistent) page loading behavior
via the vmtouch utility, which works on Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD,
and mostly works on Mac and OpenBSD (no eviction).

The article is online below. Many thanks to James and Rob, Kurt, and
Bill for looking over my shoulder and offering comments.

Best -Federico

-- "'Problem' is a bleak word for challenge" - Richard Fish
(Federico L. Lucifredi) - flucifredi at - GnuPG 0x4A73884C
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