Postdoc position in music and co-creativity, Algomus team, Lille, France

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Ken Déguernel

Dec 2, 2024, 11:15:33 AM12/2/24
to Computational Creativity Forum
Dear colleagues,

(Sorry for crossposting)

I am pleased to announce a call for application for an 18 month postdoc position, starting in March 2025, at University of Lille, France, in the Algomus team, on the topic of lifelong learning for mixed initiative musical co-creativity under the supervision of Ken Déguernel (CNRS researcher) in the scope of the ANR (French National Research Agency) project MICCDroP.

Candidates should have a PhD in Computer Music, with strong experience in machine learning  and human-computer interaction.

Project description:
Current Human-Ai co-creative systems, have opened new possibilities for musicking by facilitating novel creative processes and modes of interactions. However, these systems lack the ability for long-term adaptation between user and machine. The postdoc will address this limitation by developing and evaluating Ai methods designed for lifelong learning for co-creative musicking. Supervised and unsupervised strategies will be implemented and tested. The project will then focus on agent personalisation allowing the Ai systems to adapt based on user-specific characteristics and preferences. Areas of interest will include engagement, inclusivity, performance, and system maintenance. The development of the models implemented in this project will be carried out in constant interaction with expert musicians, fully integrating these collaborations into the iterative process of designing the models and architectures.

The deadline for application is January, 3.

Please contact me at, to send your application interest or if you have any questions.

More information about the research topic and other job and internship offers can be found here:

All the best,

-Ken Déguernel.
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