Call for Chapters - Artificial Intelligence in Creative Industries: Psychological and Social Implications for Creators and the Public - Routledge

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Caterina Moruzzi

Nov 16, 2024, 8:59:38 AM11/16/24
to Computational Creativity Forum
CALL FOR CHAPTERS: Are you involved in the understanding of how AI is impacting creative industries?

Together with Prof. Francisco Tigre Moura, we are co-editing a forthcoming book titled "Artificial Intelligence in Creative Industries: Psychological and Social Implications for Creators and the Public". The book will be published by Routledge Taylor & Francis Group and will have global distribution.

The call for chapters is now open! We are accepting chapter proposals that examine the transformative impact of AI on creativity, focusing either on creators and/or the public, from a psychological or social perspectives. Examples of possible topics include:
- Attitude
- Motivation
- Authenticity
- Employability
- Creative value
- Emotional response
- Creativity education
- Psychological ownership
- Copyright and authorship
- Creative skill and expertise
- Creative control and agency

We welcome contributions from scholars, practitioners and experts in the field. Proposals should be submitted in the form of an abstract (maximum 300 words) by January 15th, 2024.

Important: call for chapters will close once the maximum number of accepted proposals is reached.

If interested, feel free to send your abstracts to:
- Francisco Tigre Moura:
- Caterina Moruzzi:
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