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Call for Papers - ICAD 2025
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The International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD) is a forum for
presenting research on the use of sound to display data, monitor
systems, and provide enhanced user interfaces for computers and
virtual reality systems. It is unique in its singular focus on
auditory displays and the array of perception, technology, and
application areas that this encompasses.
* * 30th ICAD 2025 Conference will be co-located with Audio Mostly
2025 at Coimbra, Portugal, from June 30 to July 4 * *
The theme of the joint conference is “Let’s Play Together”, intending
to invite scholars, researchers, artists and practitioners for an
interdisciplinary gathering to collaboratively explore sound and its
social dimensions. The conference theme seeks to create a space for
researchers to exchange experiences in a creative environment,
featuring keynote presentations, panel discussions, paper
presentations, artistic performances, workshops and interactive demos.
To stimulate new directions for sound research through
cross-disciplinary collaborations, let’s all “play together”!
///////// IMPORTANT DATES ///////////
Submission deadline: March 7, 2025
Author notification: April 23, 2025
All deadlines are anywhere on earth.
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Contributions for ICAD 2025 may cover one or more of the following
topics (non-exhaustive list):
- Sonification Design Approaches (methodologies, paradigms, theories,
and taxonomies)
- Case Studies of Real-world Applications
- Cultural Studies in Sonification
- Philosophical Perspectives on Sonification (ontological, aesthetic,
and epistemological issues)
- User Studies of Sonification Experiences
- Sonification-inspired Music and Performing Arts
- Speculative Sonification Designs and Prototypes
- Psychoacoustics, Perception and Cognition Studies
- Accessibility, Inclusive Design and Assistive Technologies
- Peripheral and Ambient Sonification
- Interactive Sonification
- Sonic Interaction Design
- Auditory Process Monitoring
- Sonification Application Domains (e.g. Health and Environmental Data
(soniHED), Internet of Things, Big Data & Cybersecurity, Robotics and
Autonomous Vehicles)
- Sonification in Entertainment (Games, Performances)
- Immersive and Spatial Audio
- Computational Modeling and AI Approaches to Sonification
- Sensing Devices and Platforms for Auditory Display & Sonification
- Human Factors, Ergonomics and Usability of Auditory Interfaces
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Important dates: https://amicad2025.dei.uc.pt/important-dates/
Contributions must be submitted here:
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Submissions relevant to the Call for Contributions are accepted in any
of the following categories (see
https://amicad2025.dei.uc.pt/call-icad/ for details):
- Scientific / Empirical study.
- Position paper.
- Informative sonification.
- Artistic sonification / music / composition.
- Project architecture / presentation.
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed. The review process is
double-blind. Please submit completely anonymized drafts. Please do
not include any identifying information, and refrain from citing
authors’ prior work in anything other than the third person.
Acceptance is determined solely on the merits of the submitted work.
Accepted submissions will appear in the proceedings and will be
archived accordingly.
Authors can choose the most appropriate length for their contribution
amongst two formats:
- Full papers (6-8 pages, typically for oral in-person presentation)
should provide a substantial contribution to the research field;
- Extended abstracts (2-4 pages, typically for poster or demo
presentation) should report novel work in progress or research that is
best communicated in an interactive format.
Page limits include all figures, tables, appendices, and references.
The length of the abstract should be 150-200 words.
Extended Abstracts may be archived in a separate supplement to the
conference proceedings and will not be attributed to individual DOI
LaTeX Template:
Word Template: https://amicad2025.dei.uc.pt/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/icad2025_wordTemplate.doc
In the review process, there is no distinction between whether the
presentation mode will be oral or a poster. Although authors may
indicate a preferred method of presentation, attribution of accepted
submissions to either oral or poster presentation is determined by the
Program Committee.
You can hand in a paper with an accompanying demo that is presented in
addition to a talk or poster. In this case, you have to submit the
required supplementary data as described in the Call for Demos.
Posters are made to A1 size (vertical), prepared by the presenter in
advance, and brought to the conference.
Guidelines and recommendations for making an effective academic poster
are easy to find; for example, here is an online guide from the
University of York that we find useful:
If your contribution is strongly auditory, please consider bringing a
laptop and a pair of headphones to make your interactions with
conference attendees during the poster presentation session even more
rewarding. Tables for the laptops will be available in the poster area
as needed.
We encourage authors to attach additional supplementary materials such
as audio/video examples, data sets, or measurements. For review, you
can include anonymized links to cloud services or other online sites.
For the camera-ready version of an accepted manuscript, any such
temporary links must be replaced by persistent links with handle/DOI
or equal. We recommend the free service zenodo.org which allows you to
host arbitrary data with DOI.
Please note that at least one of the paper authors has to register and
attend the conference for the accepted paper to be presented and
published in the proceedings.
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The PC Chairs of ICAD 2025,
Pedro Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Stephen Roddy, University College Cork, Ireland
Please, send all enquiries about ICAD via email: info.am...@dei.uc.pt