* * APOLOGIES If you receive multiple copies of this CfP * *
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Call for Papers Audio Mostly 2025
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Audio Mostly is an interdisciplinary conference on the design and experience of interaction with sound that prides itself on embracing applied theory and reflective practice. Our annual gatherings bring together thinkers and doers from academia and industry who share an interest in sonic interaction and the use of audio for interface design. This remit covers product design, auditory display, computer games and virtual environments, new musical instruments, and education and workplace tools. It further includes fields such as the psychology of sound and music, cultural studies, system engineering, and everything in between in which sonic interaction plays a role.
* * The 20th Audio Mostly 2025 Conference will be co-located with the 30th ICAD 2025 at Coimbra, Portugal, from June 30 to July 4 * *
The theme of the conjoined conference is “Let’s Play Together”, inviting scholars, researchers, artists and practitioners for an interdisciplinary gathering to collaboratively explore sound and its social dimensions. The conference theme seeks to create a space for researchers to exchange experiences in a creative and collegial environment, featuring keynote presentations, panel discussions, paper presentations, artistic performances, workshops and interactive demos. To stimulate new directions for sound research through cross-disciplinary collaborations, let’s all “play together”!
///////// IMPORTANT DATES ///////////
New submission deadline: March 21, 2025
Author notification: April 23, 2025
All deadlines are anywhere on earth.
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The Audio Mostly 2025 theme proposes to explore perspectives of play within sonic research. We expect submissions covering a variety of topics from diverse disciplinary viewpoints, involving a diversity of sound and interaction-related fields, including but not limited to the following:
- Sound Design Approaches (theories, models, methods and taxonomies)
- Sonic Cultural Studies (ethnography, musicology)
- Philosophical Perspectives on Interaction, Sound and Design (ontological, aesthetic, sociological, critical and epistemological issues)
- User Experience Studies, Models and Methods
- Participatory and Co-Design Methodologies
- Speculative and Critical Designs and Prototypes
- Arts-based Research
- Music, Performing and Sonic Arts
- Psychoacoustics, Perception and Cognition Studies
- Auditory Process Monitoring and Real-world Applications
- Accessibility, Inclusive Design and Assistive Technologies with Sound
- Sonic Interaction Design (e.g. embodied and multimodal interaction, musical expression, ambient)
- Sound and Music in Games and Interactive Media
- Immersive and Spatial Audio
- Computational Modeling and AI Approaches for Sound (e.g. MIR, Affective Computing, Co-Creative Systems, Semantic Web)
- Embedded and Sensing Devices and Platforms
- Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality
- Sound and Music Production & Engineering (e.g. binaural audio, music libraries, interfaces, synthesis models)
- Multimodal Interfaces and Interactions (e.g. data analysis, storytelling)
- Sound for Sustainability
- Acoustic Ecology and Soundscape Studies
Submitted papers should provide a scientific contribution by reporting novel research methods and results (original research paper), summarizing the current state-of-the-art on a topic (review paper), presenting an opinion about specific issues (position paper), or presenting practical situations in real-world contexts that can contribute to existing knowledge of the field (case-study paper).
Important dates: https://amicad2025.dei.uc.pt/important-dates/
Submission portal: EasyChair- https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=amicad2025
Authors can choose the most appropriate length for their contribution amongst two formats:
- Short papers (max 4000 words, typically for poster or demo presentation) should report novel work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive format;
- Long papers (max 10000 words, typically for oral in-person) should present a substantial contribution to the research field.
The word limit includes all tables, acknowledgements, and appendices. References are not counted.
The length of the abstract should be 150-200 words.
All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed. The review process is double-blind with each submission receiving three reviews. Please submit completely anonymized drafts in PDF format. Please do not include any identifying information, and refrain from citing authors' prior work in anything other than the third person.
All papers must be created according to ACM templates available for both Word and LaTex: https://authors.acm.org/proceedings/production-information
We highlight that, in previous AM editions, the submission was made in a two-column format; but the new ACM authoring system advises using the single-column format.
We encourage authors to attach additional supplementary materials such as audio/video examples, data sets, or measurements. For review, you can include anonymized links to cloud services or similar. For the camera-ready version, any such temporary links must be replaced by persistent links with handle/DOI or similar. Alternatively, you can upload supplementary material with your submission. Audio/video materials should be anonymized for review (i.e. should not contain faces or voices of the authors), but can be changed for publication.
Please note that for the paper to be presented and included in the proceedings, at least one of the paper authors must register and attend the conference (see registration information for more details).
Upon paper submission, authors will have the possibility to give their preferences for oral, poster, or demo presentations. The final presentation mode will be based on the review process and program constraints and will be communicated to the authors upon acceptance.
You can submit a paper with an accompanying demo that is presented in addition to a talk or poster. In this case, you must also submit the required supplementary data as described in the call for demos.
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The PC Chairs of Audio Mostly 2025,
Mariana Seiça, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Jordan Wirfs-Brock, Whitman College, Washington, United States
Please, send all enquiries about AM via email: info.am...@dei.uc.pt