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MIAPP workshop on differentiable and Probabilistic Programming

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Vassil Vassilev

Sep 16, 2022, 4:11:27 AM9/16/22
to compiler-research-announce,

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that we are hosting a MIAPbP workshop on the topic of "Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming in Fundamental Physics". It will take place at the Technical University of Munich in June 2023. The applications for the workshop are open and if you are interested in differentiable programming, automatic differentiation or probabilistic programming,  we would like to invite you to apply following the link:

The event format includes:

Residential Workshop

The idea is to have a "residential workshop" in which participants spend an extended period of time in Munich to discuss, learn and interact in a relaxed atmosphere. The program will be held deliberately light-weight with 1-2 talks a day. The format expects the participants to stay for 2 weeks (or more).

The format will offer you an office, a per-diem with family support for your entire stay. In the application form you can indicate which weeks work best for you and which weeks would be doable. Once we have all applications collected we will need to make a final selection of participants in which we will try hard to accommodate the preferences of everyone.

As this workshop spans multiple communities (from particle physics, astronomy to computer science) and not everyone may be familiar with such a format, please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns or questions.

3-Day Workshop: "The Road to Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming in Fundamental Physics"

In addition to the residential format we will also host a 3-day Workshop "The Road to Differentiable and Probabilistic Programming in Fundamental Physics" in the days of 26-28 June 2023. If you apply for the residential format you will automatically be enrolled in the 3-day workshop.

The deadline for applying is in a week from now. If you are interested in differentiable programming, automatic differentiation or probabilistic programming we would be happy to see you around!


Vassil, on behalf of the organizing committee

Gunes Baydin
Lukas Heinrich
Michael Kagan
Torsten Ensslin
Vassil Vassilev

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