CfP: First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (May 22nd 2009)

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Katrin Franke

Jan 24, 2009, 2:49:41 PM1/24/09
to Computational Forensics
First IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and
IEEE WIFS'09 - December 6-9, 2009 - London, UK

_Paper submission date:_ May 22nd 2009
_Tutorial submission date:_ March 6th 2009

Sponsored by the IEEE and the IEEE Signal Processing Society


The IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security
(WIFS) is the first workshop to be organized by the IEEE's
Forensics and Security Technical Committee. It is intended to become
annual event. Our aspiration is to create a venue for knowledge
that encompasses a broad range of disciplines and facilitates the
exchange of ideas between various disparate communities that
information security. By so doing, we hope that researchers will
identify new opportunities for collaboration across disciplines and
new perspectives.

The conference will feature prominent keynote speakers, tutorials,
lecture sessions organized in two parallel tracks, and a poster
Appropriate topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Biometrics: emerging modalities, recognition techniques, multimodal
decision, attacks and countermeasures;
* Computer security: intrusion detection, vulnerability analysis,
* Cryptography for multimedia content: perceptual hash function,
multimedia encryption, signal processing in the encrypted domain,
traitor tracing codes, key distribution;
* Data hiding: watermarking, steganography and steganalysis, legacy
system enhancement;
* Digital Rights Management (DRM): DRM primitives (secure clocks,
proximity detection, etc), DRM architectures, DRM interoperability;
* Forensic analysis: device identification, data recovery, validation
forensic evidence;
* Network security: privacy protection, network tomography and
surveillance, system recovery from security/privacy failure;
* Non technical aspects of security: legal, ethical, social and
economical issues;
* (Video) surveillance: arrays of sensors design and analysis,
tracking, events recognition, large crowd behaviour analysis;
* Secure Applications: e-voting, e-commerce.

_Submission of papers:_ Prospective authors are invited to submit
full-length, five-page papers, including figures and references, to
WIFS'09 Technical Program Committee. Papers will be accepted only by
electronic submission through the conference web site. Template style
files are also provided on the conference web site. Accepted authors
expected to present their papers at the conference. Please note that
submission dates for papers are strict deadlines.
_Tutorial proposals:_ We seek tutorials on topics like information
forensics, information security, surveillance, and the systems
applications that incorporate these features. Tutorials will be held
December 6th 2009. Brief proposals should be submitted by February
2009, to the Tutorial Chair Fabien Petitcolas at
Each proposal must include a title, an outline of the tutorial and
motivation, a 2 page curriculum vitae of the presenter(s) with
information, and a description of the material to be covered.

_Important dates:_
March 6th 2009 Tutorial proposals
May 15th 2009 Notification of tutorial acceptance
May 22nd 2009 Submission of formatted papers
August 21st 2009 Notification of paper acceptance
September 18th 2009 Submission of revised papers
October 16th 2009 Author's registration deadline
November 22nd 2009 End of early rate registration
December 6-9 2009 Conference


_General Chairs_
Ingemar Cox -University College London, UK
Moti Yung - Google Inc., USA

_Technical Program Chairs_
Ton Kalker - Hewlett Packard Labs, USA
David Nacacche - ?cole Normale Sup?rieure, France

_Local Arrangements Chair_
Gwena?l Do?rr - University College London, UK

_Financial Chair_
Carol Aldous - University College London, UK

_Tutorials Chair_
Fabien Petitcolas - Microsoft Research Ltd., UK

_Publications Chair_
Stefan Katzenbeisser - Technical University Darmstadt, Germany

_Public Relations Chair_
Frank Stone - University College London, UK

_Conference Management_
Katherine Carter - University College London, UK

_European Liaison_
Benoit Macq - Universit? Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

_North American Liaison_
Pierre Moulin - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA

_Latin American Liaison_
Ricardo de Queiroz - Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil

_Far East Liaison_
Qibin Sun - Hewlett Packard, China

_Webmaster and IT Support_
Neil Marjoram - University College London, UK

_Programme Committee_
Jan Allebach - Purdue University, USA,
Mauro Barni - Universit? di Siena, Italy,
Vijayakumar Bhagavatula - Carnegie Mellon University, USA,
Joseph P. Campbell - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA,
Ingemar J. Cox - University College London, UK,
Robert Cunningham - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA,
Nora Dabbous - Ingenico, France,
Ricardo de Queiroz - Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil,
Edward J. Delp - Purdue University, USA,
Alexander W. Dent - Royal Holloway, UK,
Eric Filiol - Department of Defense, France,
Jessica Fridrich - Binghamton University, USA,
Renato Iannella - National ICT Australia, Australia,
Anil Jain - Michigan State University, USA,
Ton Kalker - Hewlett Packard Labs, USA,
Stefan Katzenbeisser - Technical University Darmstadt, Germany ,
Markus Kuhn - University of Cambridge, UK,
Deepa Kundur - Texas A&M University, USA,
C.-C. Jay Kuo - University of Southern California, USA,
Jean-Louis Lanet - University of Limoges, France,
Serge Lefranc - Universit? Paris VII, France,
Richard Lippmann - MIT Lincoln Laboratory, USA,
Benoit Macq - Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium,
Roy Maxion - Carnegie Mellon University, USA,
Nasir Memon - Polytechnic Institute of NYU, USA,
Fred Mintzer - IBM, USA,
Pierre Moulin - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA,
David Naccache - ?cole Normale Sup?rieure, France,
Fabrice Pizzi - Groupe Eiffage, France,
Florian Praden - ?cole Normale Sup?rieure, France,
Bart Preneel - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium,
Gw?na?l Rouillec - Gendarmerie Nationale, France,
Kazue Sako - NEC Labs, Japan,
Pierangela Samarati - Universit? degli Studi di Milano, Italy,
Andrew Senior - Google Inc., USA,
Qibin Sun - Hewlett Packard, China,
Jim Wayman - San Jose State University, USA,
Min Wu - University of Maryland, USA,
Moti Yung - Google Inc., USA.
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