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Browser Interop 2021/2022
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Browser Interop 2021/2022
Liên hệ với chủ sở hữu và người quản lý
Đánh dấu tất cả là đã đọc
Báo cáo nhóm
Đã chọn 0 mục
Thomas Steiner
Most wanted PWA features for iOS
Hi WebCompat 2021, FYI, I have had a look at one of our most recent developer surveys on web
chưa đọc,
Most wanted PWA features for iOS
Hi WebCompat 2021, FYI, I have had a look at one of our most recent developer surveys on web
Philip Jägenstedt
Compat 2022 RFC posted
Hi all, Today I have written up the web-platform-tests RFC for Compat 2022: https://github.com/web-
chưa đọc,
Compat 2022 RFC posted
Hi all, Today I have written up the web-platform-tests RFC for Compat 2022: https://github.com/web-
David Grogan
I thought css-flexbox pass rate would increase...
Hi David, thanks for your patience. In the end, this did turn out to be a bug; we were not giving
chưa đọc,
I thought css-flexbox pass rate would increase...
Hi David, thanks for your patience. In the end, this did turn out to be a bug; we were not giving
Chris Harrelson
Philip Jägenstedt
position:sticky reaches 100% in Chromium!
This is so great to see! When we started this effort I somehow didn't imagine that we would reach
chưa đọc,
position:sticky reaches 100% in Chromium!
This is so great to see! When we started this effort I somehow didn't imagine that we would reach
Dennis Schubert
, …
Philip Rogers
[crbug 606208] Flexbox and absolute children's painting order
(resending after joining the group) This is a paint bug where we don't consider the order
chưa đọc,
[crbug 606208] Flexbox and absolute children's painting order
(resending after joining the group) This is a paint bug where we don't consider the order
Thomas Steiner
, …
David Grogan
Images as children of buttons
I have added an explicit border-radius of 0, but to no avail: What's most surprising is that
chưa đọc,
Images as children of buttons
I have added an explicit border-radius of 0, but to no avail: What's most surprising is that
Thomas Steiner
Copy & paste Async Clipboard API interop issue
Hi all, Wanted to share a frustrating interop issue with copy & paste in the Async Clipboard API
chưa đọc,
Copy & paste Async Clipboard API interop issue
Hi all, Wanted to share a frustrating interop issue with copy & paste in the Async Clipboard API
Chris Harrelson
, …
Stephen McGruer
What is causing the score reduction for position:sticky?
> position-sticky-input-box-gets-focused-after-scroll.html: the test passes in the Chromium CQ (ie
chưa đọc,
What is causing the score reduction for position:sticky?
> position-sticky-input-box-gets-focused-after-scroll.html: the test passes in the Chromium CQ (ie
Philip Jägenstedt
Ways to help with Compat 2021
Hi everyone, I'm happy to see so many have shown interest in the Compat 2021 effort by joining
chưa đọc,
Ways to help with Compat 2021
Hi everyone, I'm happy to see so many have shown interest in the Compat 2021 effort by joining
Philip Jägenstedt
Chris Harrelson
Compat 2021 is live!
Congratulations everyone! On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 2:40 AM 'Philip Jägenstedt' via Browser
chưa đọc,
Compat 2021 is live!
Congratulations everyone! On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 2:40 AM 'Philip Jägenstedt' via Browser
Philip Jägenstedt
Usage of our prioritized features in HTTP Archive
Hi all, I took a look at what the usage of our prioritized features is in HTTP Archive, which is per
chưa đọc,
Usage of our prioritized features in HTTP Archive
Hi all, I took a look at what the usage of our prioritized features is in HTTP Archive, which is per
Philip Jägenstedt
, …
Robert Nyman
compat 2021 list created, add members at will!
I hope so. :-) My only possible concern is that the list might see a number of messages like "
chưa đọc,
compat 2021 list created, add members at will!
I hope so. :-) My only possible concern is that the list might see a number of messages like "