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Video Extensions to X

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Richard Petkiewicz

Oct 27, 1989, 9:01:21 PM10/27/89
I am interested in working with live Video in an X window. I have
heard that there is a document describing some video extensions to
X, but have not been able to find it. If anyone can supply me with
more information about this, I would appreciate it.

UUCP: {randvax,sdcrdcf,ucbvax,trwspp}!ucla-se!lcc!rick

Oct 28, 1989, 6:31:58 PM10/28/89

> I am interested in working with live Video in an X window. I have
> heard that there is a document describing some video extensions to
> X, but have not been able to find it. If anyone can supply me with
> more information about this, I would appreciate it.

In X11R3, check out the code in server/ddx/plx/.

-- tom (aisle C-4Q),

Sandeep Mehta

Oct 30, 1989, 8:37:15 AM10/30/89
In article <>, rick@lcc (Richard Petkiewicz) writes:
>I am interested in working with live Video in an X window. I have
>heard that there is a document describing some video extensions to
>X, but have not been able to find it. If anyone can supply me with
>more information about this, I would appreciate it.

This sounds like Todd Brunhoff's work on VEX, Video Extensions to X, at
Tektronix. You can find an article on VEX in the October issue of UNIX
Review magazine.

-- be or not to bop ?

Bruce Schuchardt

Oct 30, 1989, 12:30:45 PM10/30/89
I've had a color DS2100 for a couple of weeks now and am still shocked
and horrified by the default colors in the rgb database. The "pink"
color in particular looks like the flesh-tone of someone who has been
puking for several hours and would really rather get a bullet in the
head than go on living.

It seems to me that the vendors (e.g., Digital) who ship canned X systems
should be tuning the default, named colors to look as good as possible on
their machines. Or is it just the case that these colors look awful on
everyone's system and (in this case) Digital decided to go for compatibility?

What do you say? Does your "pink" look as bad as mine? Do you normally
whip up your own color table entries and ignore these default colors?

Bruce Schuchardt Ph: (503) 629-8383
Servio Logic br...@servio.SLC.COM
Beaverton, OR uunet!servio!bruce

Ken Lee

Oct 30, 1989, 12:35:55 PM10/30/89
In article <>, ri...@lcc.UUCP

(Richard Petkiewicz) writes:
> I am interested in working with live Video in an X window. I have
> heard that there is a document describing some video extensions to
> X, but have not been able to find it. If anyone can supply me with
> more information about this, I would appreciate it.

At the last SIGGRAPH, there were several companies showing video
products for X, including Parallax, RGB Systems, and Tektronix. There
are several different X extensions to support video. Parallax and
Tektronix are proposing their versions as standards. You can probably
get drafts from those companies.

Ken Lee
DEC Western Software Laboratory, Palo Alto, Calif.
uucp: uunet!decwrl!klee

Bill Janssen

Oct 30, 1989, 2:27:27 PM10/30/89

And is there any documentation on the library calls? They look
pretty obvious, but most tricky things do...

Bill Janssen (415) 494-4763
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, California 94304

John C Thomas

Oct 31, 1989, 2:19:17 PM10/31/89

I read some place that these colors were supposed to have come from the
DEC-240. Anyway, the MIT-supplied values for named colors didn't look very
good on our SONY monitors, either. Therefore, as an X-server developer for my
employer, (Tektronix, Inc) it was my responsibility to do something about it.

Advised by our human factors folks that "standard" named colors exist, but
only for well-controlled color coordinate systems (like CIE, but not for RGB),
I sat down one evening with the handiest standard of subjective color names,
a box of 72 Crayola crayons. (Believe it or not, over 50% of the colors from
rgb.txt were represented.)

Using an X-client implementation of the TekColor model, I created the following
list of named colors. Appearance on your monitor may vary because of brand,
age, and video drive circuitry, but I think you will find it a better match
for the average monitor, than the original rgb.txt file from MIT.

John C Thomas
Tektronix, Inc.
Wilsonville, OR
(503) 685-2876

*************************** cut here ******************************************

0 0 0 black
255 255 255 white
255 0 0 red
0 255 0 green
0 0 255 blue
0 255 255 cyan
255 0 211 magenta
255 255 0 yellow
255 138 0 orange
159 211 0 green yellow
0 255 159 spring green
0 138 255 sky blue
148 0 211 violet
255 0 148 violet red
105 105 105 dim gray
174 174 174 gray
174 174 174 grey
211 211 211 light grey
211 211 211 light gray
105 105 105 dim grey
199 21 133 medium violet red
114 33 188 blue violet
218 107 212 orchid
172 77 166 medium orchid
106 37 102 dark orchid
103 7 72 maroon
76 46 87 plum
146 62 112 thistle
171 197 255 light blue
61 98 208 medium blue
100 149 237 cornflower blue
0 0 142 navy blue
0 0 142 navy
12 62 99 midnight blue
72 209 204 turquoise
62 172 181 medium turquoise
29 111 117 dark turquoise
52 152 202 light steel blue
55 121 153 steel blue
126 125 160 cadet blue
117 134 190 slate blue
95 109 154 medium slate blue
51 62 99 dark slate blue
60 64 74 dark slate grey
60 64 74 dark slate gray
0 83 0 dark green
79 79 47 dark olive green
85 192 52 forest green
107 142 35 medium forest green
46 155 28 lime green
60 141 35 medium spring green
152 255 152 pale green
43 167 112 sea green
27 134 86 medium sea green
41 171 151 aquamarine
21 135 118 medium aquamarine
75 211 0 yellow green
254 197 68 gold
184 134 11 medium goldenrod
218 165 32 goldenrod
229 199 117 wheat
189 167 107 khaki
176 155 125 tan
178 143 86 sandy brown
142 107 35 sienna
103 67 0 brown
101 46 46 indian red
255 174 185 pink
248 137 117 coral
248 109 104 salmon
226 65 42 orange red
136 18 13 firebrick
0 0 0 gray0
3 3 3 gray1
5 5 5 gray2
8 8 8 gray3
10 10 10 gray4
13 13 13 gray5
15 15 15 gray6
18 18 18 gray7
20 20 20 gray8
23 23 23 gray9
26 26 26 gray10
28 28 28 gray11
31 31 31 gray12
33 33 33 gray13
36 36 36 gray14
38 38 38 gray15
41 41 41 gray16
43 43 43 gray17
46 46 46 gray18
48 48 48 gray19
51 51 51 gray20
54 54 54 gray21
56 56 56 gray22
59 59 59 gray23
61 61 61 gray24
64 64 64 gray25
66 66 66 gray26
69 69 69 gray27
71 71 71 gray28
74 74 74 gray29
77 77 77 gray30
79 79 79 gray31
82 82 82 gray32
84 84 84 gray33
87 87 87 gray34
89 89 89 gray35
92 92 92 gray36
94 94 94 gray37
97 97 97 gray38
99 99 99 gray39
102 102 102 gray40
105 105 105 gray41
107 107 107 gray42
110 110 110 gray43
112 112 112 gray44
115 115 115 gray45
117 117 117 gray46
120 120 120 gray47
122 122 122 gray48
125 125 125 gray49
127 127 127 gray50
130 130 130 gray51
133 133 133 gray52
135 135 135 gray53
138 138 138 gray54
140 140 140 gray55
143 143 143 gray56
145 145 145 gray57
148 148 148 gray58
150 150 150 gray59
153 153 153 gray60
156 156 156 gray61
158 158 158 gray62
161 161 161 gray63
163 163 163 gray64
166 166 166 gray65
168 168 168 gray66
171 171 171 gray67
173 173 173 gray68
176 176 176 gray69
179 179 179 gray70
181 181 181 gray71
184 184 184 gray72
186 186 186 gray73
189 189 189 gray74
191 191 191 gray75
194 194 194 gray76
196 196 196 gray77
199 199 199 gray78
201 201 201 gray79
204 204 204 gray80
207 207 207 gray81
209 209 209 gray82
212 212 212 gray83
214 214 214 gray84
217 217 217 gray85
219 219 219 gray86
222 222 222 gray87
224 224 224 gray88
227 227 227 gray89
229 229 229 gray90
232 232 232 gray91
235 235 235 gray92
237 237 237 gray93
240 240 240 gray94
242 242 242 gray95
245 245 245 gray96
247 247 247 gray97
250 250 250 gray98
252 252 252 gray99
255 255 255 gray100
0 0 0 grey0
3 3 3 grey1
5 5 5 grey2
8 8 8 grey3
10 10 10 grey4
13 13 13 grey5
15 15 15 grey6
18 18 18 grey7
20 20 20 grey8
23 23 23 grey9
26 26 26 grey10
28 28 28 grey11
31 31 31 grey12
33 33 33 grey13
36 36 36 grey14
38 38 38 grey15
41 41 41 grey16
43 43 43 grey17
46 46 46 grey18
48 48 48 grey19
51 51 51 grey20
54 54 54 grey21
56 56 56 grey22
59 59 59 grey23
61 61 61 grey24
64 64 64 grey25
66 66 66 grey26
69 69 69 grey27
71 71 71 grey28
74 74 74 grey29
77 77 77 grey30
79 79 79 grey31
82 82 82 grey32
84 84 84 grey33
87 87 87 grey34
89 89 89 grey35
92 92 92 grey36
94 94 94 grey37
97 97 97 grey38
99 99 99 grey39
102 102 102 grey40
105 105 105 grey41
107 107 107 grey42
110 110 110 grey43
112 112 112 grey44
115 115 115 grey45
117 117 117 grey46
120 120 120 grey47
122 122 122 grey48
125 125 125 grey49
127 127 127 grey50
130 130 130 grey51
133 133 133 grey52
135 135 135 grey53
138 138 138 grey54
140 140 140 grey55
143 143 143 grey56
145 145 145 grey57
148 148 148 grey58
150 150 150 grey59
153 153 153 grey60
156 156 156 grey61
158 158 158 grey62
161 161 161 grey63
163 163 163 grey64
166 166 166 grey65
168 168 168 grey66
171 171 171 grey67
173 173 173 grey68
176 176 176 grey69
179 179 179 grey70
181 181 181 grey71
184 184 184 grey72
186 186 186 grey73
189 189 189 grey74
191 191 191 grey75
194 194 194 grey76
196 196 196 grey77
199 199 199 grey78
201 201 201 grey79
204 204 204 grey80
207 207 207 grey81
209 209 209 grey82
212 212 212 grey83
214 214 214 grey84
217 217 217 grey85
219 219 219 grey86
222 222 222 grey87
224 224 224 grey88
227 227 227 grey89
229 229 229 grey90
232 232 232 grey91
235 235 235 grey92
237 237 237 grey93
240 240 240 grey94
242 242 242 grey95
245 245 245 grey96
247 247 247 grey97
250 250 250 grey98
252 252 252 grey99
255 255 255 grey100

Tom Crockett

Nov 2, 1989, 8:11:54 AM11/2/89
> *Excerpts from xpert: 30-Oct-89 This is pink?? Bruce Schuchardt@bloom-b (946)*

> It seems to me that the vendors (e.g., Digital) who ship canned X systems
> should be tuning the default, named colors to look as good as possible on
> their machines.

I'll second that! And if they wanted to be _really_ nice they could submit the
tuned rgb databases to MIT so they could be distributed with the MIT software.

Flames to /dev/null, please.

Tom Crockett

Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering
M.S. 132C e-mail:
NASA Langley Research Center phone: (804) 864-2182
Hampton, VA 23665-5225

Jim Gettys

Nov 7, 1989, 10:42:59 AM11/7/89
In article <UZI3oOz0-csmM3mLZ=@sparc01>, t...@ICASE.EDU (Tom Crockett) writes:
> > *Excerpts from xpert: 30-Oct-89 This is pink?? Bruce
Schuchardt@bloom-b (946)*
> > It seems to me that the vendors (e.g., Digital) who ship canned X systems
> > should be tuning the default, named colors to look as good as possible on
> > their machines.
> I'll second that! And if they wanted to be _really_ nice they could
submit the
> tuned rgb databases to MIT so they could be distributed with the MIT

You are all right. We just updated the monitors recently and they have
quite different
characteristics than the previous (not that the database was all that
good for them, either).
I tried pink on the VR299 I recently hooked up to my PMAX and it is
pretty hideous.

We are working on fixing this.

Jim Gettys
Digital Equipment Corporation
Cambridge Research Laboratory

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