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Help with resources (specifically, with vncviewer)

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Kenny McCormack

Nov 5, 2021, 5:13:40 AM11/5/21

I've been using X for decades now, but never really learned about how to
set and use resources. Well, actually, I did, once, decades ago, but I
have forgotten most of it. I know you create a file in some totally
bizarre format, then use "xrdb" to load it into the server.


I'm using tightvncviewer in fullscreen mode, and want to try the
grabKeyboard option. According to the man page, this can only be set via a
resource (note that most of the things you can set as resources have a
corresponding [and easier to use] command line option, but, alas, not this

Could someone walk me through exactly what I need to do to set this
resource? Thanks.

Many (most?) Trump voters voted for him because they thought if they
supported Trump enough, they'd get to *be* Trump.

Similarly, Trump believes that if *he* praises Putin enough, he'll get to *be* Putin.

Julian Bradfield

Nov 5, 2021, 5:30:05 AM11/5/21
On 2021-11-05, Kenny McCormack <> wrote:
> I'm using tightvncviewer in fullscreen mode, and want to try the
> grabKeyboard option. According to the man page, this can only be set via a
> resource (note that most of the things you can set as resources have a
> corresponding [and easier to use] command line option, but, alas, not this
> one).

tighvnc is, it says, an Xt client, so it should accept the generic
command-line resource-setting option:

tightvnc -xrm '*.grabKeyboard: true'


echo '*.grabKeyboard: true' | xrdb -merge

That sets the grabKeyboard resource for all programs; to be specific,
you need to know the program/class name.

If you want to keep it. put
*.grabKeyboard: true
in your .Xresources file (or whatever your distribution uses)

Kenny McCormack

Nov 5, 2021, 2:39:35 PM11/5/21
In article <>,
Julian Bradfield <> wrote:
>On 2021-11-05, Kenny McCormack <> wrote:
>> I'm using tightvncviewer in fullscreen mode, and want to try the
>> grabKeyboard option. According to the man page, this can only be set via a
>> resource (note that most of the things you can set as resources have a
>> corresponding [and easier to use] command line option, but, alas, not this
>> one).
>tighvnc is, it says, an Xt client, so it should accept the generic
>command-line resource-setting option:
>tightvnc -xrm '*.grabKeyboard: true'

Thank you! That did the trick. Adding that to the command line fixed the
underlying problem with vncviewer.

Thanks for the other info as well. Hopefully, I will have an opportunity
to use it again before another 20 years goes by.

When someone tells me he/she is a Christian I check to see if I'm
still in possession of my wallet.
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