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Non-default visual and Motif widgets

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Patrick Sweeney

Jan 11, 1991, 10:55:31 AM1/11/91
Has anyone tried to use Motif (1.1) widgets with a non-default visual?
(The visual is a X Server data structure which specifies the type of colormap
is used when the server has more than one way of treating color.)

R4 of the X Toolkit allows a visual resource to be specified in the shell.

By creating an applicationShell with a non-default visual the child widgets
should inherit that visual in their windows (assuming the visual is specified
as "CopyFromParent" when created).

I can create and realize DrawingArea.

When I create and realize Label, I get "BadGC" at realize or expose time.

Are the Motif widgets not robust (ie a permanent restriction on Motif) or
is this a bug (ie non-default visuals ought to work)?

Patrick Sweeney
Digital Equipment Corporation

Opinions here are my own and not those of my employer

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