David answered and we kept discussing this stuff
off this forum, but he eventually helped me out,
and thanks to him I could solve my problem.
It appears the default name given by the SOHO
module to my targets (iqn.2007-08:iscsi.target0
and iqn.2007-08:iscsi.target1) were wrong, so I
checked http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3721.txt about
iSCSI naming conventions on David's recommendation
and modified these names (I added ".com.sun" after
~ iqn.2007-08.com.sun:iscsi.target1
and that was enough)
I then did
~ iscsiadm modify discovery -t disable
(to disable a previous 'send-targets discovery' config)
~ iscsiadm add static-config iqn.
~ iscsiadm add static-config iqn.
to statically add my targets
~ iscsiadm modify discovery -s enable
to enable static discovery
Now when I do
~ iscsiadm list target -S
I do have
~ Target: iqn.2007-08.com.sun:iscsi.target1
~ Alias: -
~ TPGT: 1
~ ISID: 4000002a0000
~ Connections: 1
~ LUN: 1
~ Vendor: iSCSI
~ Product: TARGET
~ OS Device Name: /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
and the same for target0, which is pretty beautiful...