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Dismiss FAQ - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Part 2.

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Joe Halpin

Jun 27, 2005, 10:47:49 PM6/27/05
Archive-name: unix-faq/shell/sh
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: $Id: cus-faq-2.html,v 1.3 2005/05/22 12:29:50 jhalpin Exp jhalpin $
Maintainer: Joe Halpin

Please read the introduction in the first section of this document.
This section assumes you have read that introduction.


11. How do I get the exit code of cmd1 in cmd1|cmd2

First, note that cmd1 exit code could be non-zero and still don't
mean an error. This happens for instance in

cmd | head -1

you might observe a 141 (or 269 with ksh93) exit status of cmd1,
but it's because cmd was interrupted by a SIGPIPE signal when
"head -1" terminated after having read one line.

To know the exit status of the elements of a pipeline
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3

a. with zsh:

The exit codes are provided in the pipestatus special array.
cmd1 exit code is in $pipestatus[1], cmd3 exit code in
$pipestatus[3], so that $? is always the same as

b. with bash:

The exit codes are provided in the PIPESTATUS special array.
cmd1 exit code is in ${PIPESTATUS[0]}, cmd3 exit code in
${PIPESTATUS[2]}, so that $? is always the same as

c. with any other Bourne like shells

You need to use a trick to pass the exit codes to the main
shell. You can do it using a pipe(2). Instead of running
"cmd1", you run "cmd1; echo $?" and make sure $? makes it way
to the shell.

exec 3>&1
eval `
# now, inside the `...`, fd4 goes to the pipe
# whose other end is read and passed to eval;
# fd1 is the normal standard output preserved
# the line before with exec 3>&1
exec 4>&1 >&3 3>&-
cmd1 4>&-; echo "ec1=$?;" >&4
} | {
cmd2 4>&-; echo "ec2=$?;" >&4
} | cmd3
echo "ec3=$?;" >&4

d. with a POSIX shell

You can use this function to make it easier:

run() {
while eval "\${pipestatus_$j+:} false"; do
unset pipestatus_$j
j=1 com= k=1 l=
for a; do
if [ "x$a" = 'x|' ]; then
com="$com { $l "'3>&-
echo "pipestatus_'$j'=$?" >&3
} 4>&- |'
j=$(($j+1)) l=
l="$l \"\$$k\""
com="$com $l"' 3>&- >&4 4>&-
echo "pipestatus_'$j'=$?"'
exec 4>&1
eval "$(exec 3>&1; eval "$com")"
exec 4>&-
while eval "\${pipestatus_$j+:} false"; do
eval "[ \$pipestatus_$j -eq 0 ]" || return 1
return 0

use it as:

run cmd1 \| cmd2 \| cmd3
exit codes are in $pipestatus_1, $pipestatus_2, $pipestatus_3


12. Why do I get " not found"

a. While script starts with "#!/bin/sh" (^M issue)

That's the kind of error that occurs when you transfer a file
by FTP from a MS Windows machine. On those systems, the line
separator is the CRLF sequence, while on unix the line
separator is LF alone, CR being just another ordinary character
(the problem is that it is an invisible one on your terminal
(where it actually moves the cursor to the beginning of the
line) or in most text editors or pagers).

So, if a MSDOS line is "#!/bin/sh", when on a Unix system, it
becomes "#!/bin/sh<CR>" (other names for <CR> are \r, \015, ^M,

So, if you run the file as a script, the system will look in
/bin for an interpreter named "sh<CR>", and report it doesn't

$ sed 'l;d;q' <

shows you the problem ($ marks the end of line, \r is the CR

b. PATH issue

Sometimes a shell is installed someplace other than /bin or
/usr/bin. For example, a shell which was not part of the OS
installation might be installed into /usr/local/bin. If the
script was written on a machine which had ksh located in
/usr/bin, but was run on a machine where ksh was located in
/usr/local/bin, the shebang line would not resolve correctly.

This is unlikely to occur when using sh. However, if the shell
is bash, zsh, et al, it might be installed in different places
on different machines.

One way around this is to use the env command in the shebang
line. So instead of



#!/usr/bin/env sh

Of course, env might itself live in some other directory than
/usr/bin, but it's not likely.


13. Why doesn't echo do what I want?

See also section 0a "Notes about using echo"

The echo command is not consistent from shell to shell. For
example, some shells (bash, pdksh [,?]) use the following

-n suppress newline at the end of argument list
-e interpret backslash-escaped characters
-E disable interpretation of backslash-escaped characters, even
on systems where interpretation is the default.

However, pdksh also allows using \c to disable a newline at the
end of the argument list.

POSIX only allows \c to be used to suppress newlines, and doesn't
accept any of the above arguments.

ksh88 and ksh93 leave the interpretation of backslash-escaped
characters up to the implementation.

[descriptions of behavior of other shells welcome]

In short, you have to know how echo works in any environment you
choose to use it in, and its use can therefore be problemmatic. If
available, print(1) or printf(1) would be better.


14. How do I loop through files with spaces in their name?

So, you're going to loop through a list of files? How is this list
stored? If it's stored as text, there probably was already an
assumption about the characters allowed in a filename. Every
character except '\0' (NUL) is allowed in a file path on Unix. So
the only way to store a list of file names in a file is to
separate them by a '\0' character (if you don't use a quoting
mechanism as for xargs input).

Unfortunately most shells (except zsh) and most standard unix text
utilities (except GNU ones) can't cope with "\0"
characters. Moreover, many tools, like "ls", "find", "grep -l"
output a \n separated list of files. So, if you want to
postprocess this output, the simpler is to assume that the
filenames don't contain newline characters (but beware that once
you make that assumption, you can't pretend anymore your code is
reliable (and thus can't be exploited)).

So, if you've got a newline separated list of files in a
list.txt file, Here are two ways to process it:


while IFS= read -r file <&3; do
something with "$file" # be sure to quote "$file"
done 3< list.txt
(if your read doesn't have the "-r" option, either make another
assumption that filenames don't contain backslashes, or use:

exec 3<&0
sed 's/\\/&&/g' < list.txt |
while IFS= read file; do
something with "$file" <&3 3<&-


" # set the internal field separator to the newline character
# instead of the default "<space><tab><NL>".

set -f # disable filename generation (or make the assumption that
# filenames don't contain *, [ or ? characters (maybe more
# depending on your shell)).

for file in $(cat < list.txt); do
something with "$file" # it's less a problem if you forget to
# quote $file here.

Now, beware that there are things you can do before building
this list.txt. There are other ways to store filenames. For
instance, you have the positional parameters.

set -- ./*.txt

you have the list of txt files in the current directory, and no
problem with weird characters. Looping through them is just a
matter of:

for file
do something with "$file"

You can also escape the separator. For instance, with

find . -exec sh -c 'printf %s\\n "$1" | sed -n '"':1
s/|/|p/g;s/\n/|n/g;p'" '{}' '{}' \;

instead of

find . -print

you have the same list of files except that the \n in filenames
are changed to "|n" and the "|" to "|p". So that you're sure
there's one filename per line and you have to convert back "|n"
to "\n" and "|p" to "|" before referring to the file.


15. how do I change my login shell?


Unless you have a very good reason to do so, do not change root's
default login shell. By "default login shell" is meant the shell
recorded in /etc/passwd. Note that "I login as root but don't like
the default shell" isn't a good reason.

The default shell for root is one which will work in single user
mode, when only the root partition is mounted. This is one of the
contexts root works in, and the default shell must accommodate
this. So if you change it to a dynamically linked shell which
depends on libraries that are not in the root partition, you're
asking for trouble.

The safest way of changing root's shell is to login as root and

# SHELL=/preferred/shell; export SHELL
# exec <your preferred shell with login flag>


# SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh; export SHELL
# exec $SHELL -l

Another possibility is to add something to root's .profile or
.login which checks to see if the preferred shell is runnable, and
then execs it. This is more complicated and has more pitfalls than
simply typing "exec <shell>" when you login though. For example,
one of the libraries that the desired shell relies on might have
been mangled, etc. One suggestion that has been made is

if [ -x /usr/bin/ksh ]; then
SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh; export SHELL
ENV=/root/.kshrc; export ENV
/usr/bin/ksh -l && exit

A safer way is to try to run a command with the preferred shell
before you try to exec it. This will lessen the possibility that
the shell or one of the libraries it depends on has been
corrupted, or that one of the libraries it depends on is not in
the available mounted partitions.

if [ -x /usr/bin/ksh ]; then
/usr/bin/ksh -c echo >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh; export SHELL
ENV=/root/.kshrc; export ENV
/usr/bin/ksh -l && exit

Another common approach is to create another user with UID 0. For
example, FreeBSD systems commonly create an account named toor,
which can be setup however you like. This bypasses the


16. When should I use a shell instead of perl/python/ruby/tcl...

a. Portability

In many cases it can't be assumed that perl/python/etc are
installed on the target machine. Many customer sites do not
allow installation of such things. In cases like this, writing
a shell script is more likely to be successful. In the extreme,
writing a pure Bourne shell script is most likely to succeed.

b. Maintainability

If the script is one which serves some important purpose, and
will need to be maintained after you get promoted, it's more
likely that a maintainer can be found for a shell script than
for other scripting languages (especially less used ones such
as ruby, rexx, etc).

c. Policy

Sometimes you're just told what to use :-)


17. Why shouldn't I use csh?


18. How do I reverse a file?

Non-standard commands to do so are GNU tac and "tail -r". sed
'1!G;h;$!d' is subject to sed limitation on the size of its hold
space and is generally slow.

The awk equivalent would be:

awk '{l[n++]=$0}END{while(n--)print l[n]}'
It stores the whole file in memory.

The best approach in terms of efficiency portability and resource
cosumption seems to be:

cat -n | sort -rn | cut -f2-

"cat -n" is not POSIX but appears to be fairly
portable. Alternatives are "grep -n '^'", "awk '{print NR,$0}'".
Also, nl can be used as

nl -ba -d'

i.e. NL as the delimiter.


19. how do I remove the last n lines?

First we need to tell the code how many lines we want to cut
from the bottom of a file.


Then We can do this:

head -n $(( $(wc -l < file ) - $X )) file >$$ \
&& cat $$ >file && rm $$

The break down:
1) $(wc -l < file)
Find out how many lines are in the file. Need to use
redirection so wc won't print the file name.
2) $(( $lines_in_file - $X ))
Take the output from step one and do some math to find out
how many lines we want to have when all is said and done.
3) head -$lines_when_said_and_done file
extracts all but the unwanted lines from the file,
and >$$ puts those lines into a temp file that has
the name of the pid of the current shell.
4) && cat $$ > file
if everything has worked so far then cat the temp file into
the original file. This is better than mv or cp because it
insures that the permissions of the temp file do not
override with the perms of the original file.
5) && rm $$
Remove the temp file.

AWK solutions:

awk 'NR<=(count-12)' count="`awk 'END{print NR}' file`" file

awk 'NR>n{print a[NR%n]} {a[NR%n]=$0}' n=12 file

awk 'BEGIN{n=12} NR>n{print a[NR%n]} {a[NR%n]=$0}' file

Whenever a line is read, the line that came 12 lines ago is
printed, and then overwritten with the newly read line, using an
rolling array indexed 0..11.

See also question 26. for information about setting awk
variables on the command line.

$SHELL/sed/mv solutions:

L=`wc -l <file`
DL=`expr $L - 11`
sed "$DL,\$d" file

L=`wc -l <file`
DL=`expr $L - 12`
sed "${DL}q" file

sed "`expr \`wc -l <file\` - 12`q" file

sed -n -e :a -e '1,12{N;ba' -e '}' -e 'P;N;D' file

The last solution is basically same algorithm as the rolling
array awk solutions, and shares with them the advantage that
the file is only read once - they will even work in a
pipe. There may be limitations in sed's pattern space which
would make this unusable however.

PERL solution:

perl -ne' print shift @x if @x == 12; push @x, $_ ' file

Using GNU dd:

ls -l file.txt | {
IFS=" "
read z z z z sz z
last=`tail -10 file.txt | wc -c`
dd bs=1 seek=`expr $sz - $last` if=/dev/null of=file.txt


20. how do I get file size, or file modification time?

If your system has stat(1), use it. On Linux, for example:

filesize=$(stat -c %s -- filename)

or use cut, awk, etc on the output.

Probably the most portable solution is to use wc

filesize=`wc -c < "$file"`

ls may be able to tell you what you want to know. From the man
page for ls we learn about "ls -l" the file mode, the number of
links to the file, the owner name, the group name, the size of the
file (in bytes), the timestamp, and the filename. For the file
size in human readable formate use the "-h" option.

For example:

$ ls -l timeTravel.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user user 20624 Jun 19 2002 timeTravel1.html

so to get the file size:

$ set -- `ls -l timeTravel1.html`
$ echo $5

Note that ls doesn't always give the date in the same
format. Check the man page for ls on your system if that
matters. If you're interested in the file modification time.

Another possibility is to use GNU ls, which has a -T option giving
complete time information for the file, including month, day,
hour, minute, second and year.

See also GNU find (-printf), GNU stat, GNU date (-r) and zsh stat

On FreeBSD 4, you can use the -lT option to ls(1) to get the full
modification time and the -f option to date(1) to parse it, for

$ FILE=/etc/motd
$ date -jf'%b %d %T %Y' +%Y-%m-%dT%T \
$(ls -lT $FILE|tr -s ' ' \\t|cut -f6-9)

Adjust syntax as needed if your shell is FreeBSD sh


21. How do I get a process id given a process name? Or, how do I find
out if a process is still running, given a process ID?

There isn't a reliable way to to this portably in the shell. Some
systems reuse process ids much like file descriptors. That is,
they use the lowest numbered pid which is not currently in use
when starting a new process. That means that the pid you're
looking for is there, but might not refer to the process you think
it does.

The usual approach is to parse the output of ps, but that involves
a race condition, since the pid you find that way may not refer to
the same process when you actually do something with that
pid. There's no good way around that in a shell script though, so
be advised that you might be stepping into a trap.

One suggestion is to use pgrep if on Solaris, and 'ps h -o pid -C
$STRING' if not, and your ps supports that syntax, but neither of
those are perfect or ubiquitous.

The normal solution when writing C programs is to create a pid
file, and then lock it with fcntl(2). Then, if another program
wants to know if that program is really running, it can attempt to
gain a lock on the file. If the lock attempt fails, then it knows
the file is still running.

We don't have options in the shell like that, unless we can supply
a C program which can try the lock for the script. Even so, the
race condition described above still exists.


22. How do I get a script to update my current environment?

Processes in unix cannot update the environment of the process
that spawned them. Consequently you cannot run another process
normally and expect it to do that, since it will be a child of the
running process. There are a couple ways it can be done though.

a. source the script

This means that you use whatever syntax your shell has to read
the desired script into the current environment.

In Bourne derived shells (sh/ksh/bash/POSIX/etc) the syntax
would be

$ . script

In csh type shells this would be

$ source script

b. use eval

The eval command constructs a command by evaluating and then
executing a set of arguments. If those arguments evaluate to a
shell variable assignment, the current environment will be
updated. For example

--- exportFoo
echo export FOO=bar

If you run this like

eval "`exportFoo`"

the value of FOO will be set to 'bar' in the calling
shell. Note that the quotes are recommended as they will
preserve any whitespace that may be present in the variables
being set.

However, be aware that eval'ing a script written in another
shell could turn out to be the wrong thing to do. For example,
eval'ing this from a ksh script

echo setenv FOO bar

Would not do what you expect. It would produce an error,
because ksh doesn't have a setenv command.


23. How do I rename *.foo to *.bar?

Naive examples in ksh/bash (which may or may not work many times)

$ ls *.foo | while read f;do mv "$f" "${f%.*}".bar

More generically

$ ls *.foo | while read f;do mv "$f" `basename "$f" .foo`.bar

However, these examples contain a potentially unnecessary use of
ls (ie, if the number of files is small enough to not overflow the
command line buffer), and will fail if any file names contain a
newline, or if there are leading or trailing spaces. An
alternative is:

for file in *.foo
mv -- "$file" "`basename -- \"$file\" .foo`.bar"

Also, tests for existence of files should also be incorporated,

for file in ./*.foo
newfile=`basename "$file" .foo`.bar
[ -f "$file" ] || continue
[ -f "$newfile" -o -d "$newfile" ] && continue
mv "$file" "$newfile"

In some linux distributions you may be able to use the rename

$ rename .foo .bar *

If not (Debian, for one, comes with a perl version of rename that
won't work with that command line) try

$ rename 's/.foo/.bar/' *.foo

More options, and much more discussion about this, is available

Note that for file specifications which don't match existing
files, the shell usually responds with something like "ls: *.foo:
No such file or directory", which will mess up your processing of
file names. One possibility is

#! /bin/sh
set x [*].foo ./*.foo
case "$2$3" in
"[*].foo./*.foo") ;;
shift 2
for file
repl=`basename "$file" .foo`.bar
mv "$file" "$repl"

Except that contrary to (zsh) mmv or zmv it doesn't check for
file overwriting and fails for filenames with NLs before the "."
and doesn't handle dotfiles.


24. How do I use shell variables in awk scripts

Short answer = either of these, where "svar" is a shell variable
and "avar" is an awk variable:

awk -v avar="$svar" '... avar ...' file
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}... avar ...' "$svar" file

depending on your requirements for handling backslashes and
handling ARGV[] if it contains a null string (see below for details).

Long answer = There are several ways of passing the values of
shell variables to awk scripts depending on which version of awk
(and to a much lesser extent which OS) you're using. For this
discussion, we'll consider the following 4 awk versions:

oawk (old awk, /usr/bin/awk and /usr/bin/oawk on Solaris)
nawk (new awk, /usr/bin/nawk on Solaris)
sawk (non-standard name for /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris)
gawk (GNU awk, downloaded from

If you wanted to find all lines in a given file that match text
stored in a shell variable "svar" then you could use one of the

a) awk -v avar="$svar" '$0 == avar' file
b) awk -vavar="$svar" '$0 == avar' file
c) awk '$0 == avar' avar="$svar" file
d) awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGV[1]=""}$0 == avar' "$svar" file
e) awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];ARGC--}$0 == avar' "$svar" file
f) svar="$svar" awk 'BEGIN{avar=ENVIRON["svar"]}$0 == avar' file
g) awk '$0 == '"$svar"'' file

The following list shows which version is supported by which
awk on Solaris (which should also apply to most other OSs):

oawk = c, g
nawk = a, c, d, f, g
sawk = a, c, d, f, g
gawk = a, b, c, d, f, g


1) Old awk only works with forms "c" and "g", both of which have

2) GNU awk is the only one that works with form "b" (no space
between "-v" and "var="). Since gawk also supports form "a",
as do all the other new awks, you should avoid form "b" for
portability between newer awks.

3) In form "c", ARGV[1] is still getting populated, but
because it contains an equals sign (=), awk changes it's normal
behavior of assuming that arguments are file names and now instead
assumes this is a variable assignment so you don't need to clear
ARGV[1] as in form "d".

4) In light of "3)" above, this raises the interesting question of
how to pass awk a file name that contains an equals sign - the
answer is to do one of the following:

i) Specify a path, e.g. for a file named "abc=def" in the
current directory, you'd use:

awk '...' ./abc=def

Note that that won't work with older versions of gawk or with

ii) Redirect the input from a file so it's opend by the shell
rather than awk having to parse the file name as an argument
and then open it:

awk '...' < abc=def

Note that you will not have access to the file name in the
FILENAME variable in this case.

5) An alternative to setting ARGV[1]="" in form "d" is to delete
that array entry, e.g.:

awk 'BEGIN{avar=ARGV[1];delete ARGV[1]}$0 == avar' "$svar" file

This is slightly misleading, however since although ARGV[1]
does get deleted in the BEGIN section and remains deleted
for any files that preceed the deleted variable assignment,
the ARGV[] entry is recreated by awk when it gets to that
argument during file processing, so in the case above when
parsing "file", ARGV[1] would actually exist with a null
string value just like if you'd done ARGV[1]="". Given that
it's misleading and introduces inconsistency of ARGV[]
settings between files based on command-line order, it is
not recommended.

6) An alternative to setting svar="$svar" on the command line
prior to invoking awk in form "f" is to export svar first,

export svar
awk 'BEGIN{avar=ENVIRON["svar"]}$0 == avar' file

Since this forces you to export variables that you wouldn't
normally export and so risk interfering with the environment
of other commands invoked from your shell, it is not recommended.

7) When you use form "d", you end up with a null string in
ARGV[1], so if at the end of your program you want to print
out all the file names then instead of doing:

END{for (i in ARGV) print ARGV[i]}

you need to check for a null string before printing. or
store FILENAMEs in a different array during processing.
Note that the above loop as written would also print the
script name stored in ARGV[0].

8) When you use form "a", "b", or "c", the awk variable
assignment gets processed during awks lexical analaysis
stage (i.e. when the internal awk program gets built) and
any backslashes present in the shell variable may get
expanded so, for example, if svar contains "hi\there"
then avar could contain "hi<tab>there" with a literal tab
character. This behavior depends on the awk version as

oawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\there"
sawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"
nawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"
gawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi<tab>here"

If the backslash preceeds a character that has no
special meaning to awk then the backslash may be discarded
with or without a warning, e.g. if svar contained "hi\john"
then the backslash preceeds "j" and "\j" has no special
meaning so the various new awks each would behave differently
as follows:

oawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\john"
sawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hi\john"
nawk: does not print a warning and sets avar="hijohn"
gawk: prints a warning and sets avar="hijohn"

9) None of the awk versions discussed here work with form "e" but
it is included above as there are older (i.e. pre-POSIX) versions
of awk that will treat form "d" as if it's intended to access a
file named "" so you instead need to use form "e". If you find
yourself with that or any other version of "old awk", you need
to get a new awk to avoid future headaches and they will not be
discussed further here.

So, the forms accepted by all 3 newer awks under discussion (nawk,
sawk, and gawk) are a, c, d, f, and g. The main differences between
each of these forms is as follows:

| BEGIN | files | requires | accepts | expands | null |
| avail | set | access | backslash | backslash | ARGV[] |
a) | y | all | n | n | y | n |
c) | n | sub | n | n | y | n |
d) | y | all | n | n | n | y |
f) | y | all | y | n | n | n |
g) | y | all | n | y | n/a | n |

where the columns mean:

BEGIN avail = y: variable IS available in the BEGIN section
BEGIN avail = n: variable is NOT available in the BEGIN section

files set = all: variable is set for ALL files regardless of
command-line order.
files set = sub: variable is ONLY set for those files subsequent
to the definition of the variable on the command line

requires access = y: variable DOES need to be exported or set on
the command line
requires access = n: shell variable does NOT need to be exported
or set on the command line

accepts backslash = y: variable CAN contain a backslash without
causing awk to fail with a syntax error
accepts backslash = n: variable can NOT contain a backslash without
causing awk to fail with a syntax error

expands backslash = y: if the variable contains a backslash, it IS
expanded before execution begins
expands backslash = n: if the variable contains a backslash, it is
NOT expanded before execution begins

null ARGV[] = y: you DO end up with a null entry in the ARGV[]
null ARGV[] = n: you do NOT end up with a null entry in the ARGV[]

For most applications, form "a" and "d" provide the most intuitive
functionality. The only functional differences between the 2 are:

1) Whether or not backslashes get expanded on variable assignment.
2) Whether or not ARGV[] ends up containing a null string.

so which one you choose to use depends on your requirements for
these 2 situations.


25. How do I get input from the user with a timeout?

In bash or ksh93 you can use the read built-in with the "-t"

In zsh, use the zsh/zselect module.

You can also use your terminal capability to do that.

s=$(stty -g)
stty -icanon min 0 time 100
var=$(head -n 1)
stty "$s"

For a 10 second timeout (reset at each key press).


26. How do I get one character input from the user?

In bash this can be done with the "-n" option to read.
In ksh93 it's read -N
In zsh it's read -k

More portably:

OLDSTTY=$(stty -g) # save our terminal settings
stty cbreak # enable independent processing of each input character
ONECHAR=$(dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null) # read one byte from standard in
stty "$OLDSTTY" # restore the terminal settings

Use the `something` format if your shell doesn't understand
$(something). This reads from standard input, which may or may not
be desirable. If you want to read from the terminal regardless of
where standard input is, add "if=$(tty)" to the dd command.


27. why isn't my .profile read?

~/.profile is only read for login shells. In short if you don't
see a login prompt then your ~/.profile isn't being read. You
can fix this by either porting all of the things in your
~/.profile to /etc/profile or your shells rc script such as
~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.

You may have to set the ENV variable in your login shell to get
the .*rc shell read. See the man page for your shell to understand
how it works.


28. why do I get "[5" not found in "[$1 -eq 2]"?

Because you didn't RTFM :-)

"[" is an alias for the "test" command. As such, it's called by a
script like any other command (this applies even if test is
builtin). Since the command line uses spaces to separate a command
from its arguments, you have to put a space between '[' and its
argument. So:

$ [ -f xxx ] isn't the same as
$ [-f xxx ]

In the latter case, the shell will think that "[-f" is the
command, not "[" with arguments "-f xxx ]


29. How do I exactly display the content of $var (with a \n appended).

A: on POSIX systems or with shells with builtin printf (bash2,
ksh93, zsh4.1, dash...)

printf '%s\n' "$var"

(except for memory/environment full errors, should be expected
to work at least if $var is not longer than LINE_MAX (supposed
to be at least _POSIX2_LINE_MAX == 2048), no hardcoded limits in
zsh/ksh/bash/dash builtins)

ksh, zsh:
print -r -- "$var"

echo -E - "$var"

Other bourne like shells:

cat << EOF
(creates a temporary file and forks a process)

expr "x$var" : 'x\(.*\)'
(limited to 126 characters with some exprs, may return a
non-null exit code).

With ash:
(unset a; ${a?$var}) 2>&1

printf %s "$var" # posix
print -rn -- "$var" # zsh/ksh
echo -nE - "$var" # zsh

awk 'NR>1{print ""}{printf("%s",$0)}' << EOF


30. How do I split a pathname into the directory and file?

The most portable way of doing this is to use the external
commands dirname(1) and basename(1), as in

dir=`dirname "$pathname"`
file=`basename "$pathname"`

However, since this executes an external command, it's slower than
using shell builtins (if your shell has them). For ksh, bash, zsh
and POSIX shells the following will do the same thing more


To get the directory using the shell builtin, you should first
ensure that the path has a '/' in it.

case $pathname in
*/*) dir=${pathname%/*};;
*) dir=''

In zsh, (abd csh, tcsh), you have

${pathname:h} (head) ${pathname:t} (tail).


31. How do I make an alias take an argument?

In Bourne-derived shells aliases cannot take arguments, so if you
need to be able to do that, define a shell function rather than
an alias.

Aliases are often used to reduce the need to type long command

alias prog='/opt/bin/prog -x -y -z --long-option'

Or to make a command default to using certain parameters:

alias ls='ls -F'

Shell functions must be used when arguments are needed. For
example, this will move one or more files to a Trash directory:

trash() { mv -- "$@" ~/.Trash; }


32. How do I deal with a file whose name begins with a weird character

Do something to hide the weird character from the command being
used. Assuming that command is rm, try things like

rm ./-foo
rm -- -foo
rm -i -- * (and then decide what you want to delete interactively)

If the weird character is not printable, the last option may be
your best bet. Another possibility in that case is to pipe the
output of ls into od -c and figure out what the weird character
is. Then use sed to isolate it and nuke it. However, the rm -i
approach is probably much safer.

For more particulars, see the rm man page for your system.


33. Why do I lose the value of global variables that are set in a loop.

Given the following program

x="this is the initial value of x"
cat dataFile | while read line;do
echo x = $x

You may get the following for output

x = this is the initial value of x

This is because in the Bourne shell redirected control structures
run in a subshell, so the value of x only gets changed in the
subshell, and is lost when the loop ends.

In other shells the same result may be seen because of the way
pipelines are handled. In shells other than ksh (not pdksh) and
zsh elements of a pipeline are run in subshells. In ksh and zsh,
the last element of the pipeline is run in the current shell.

An alternative for non-Bourne shells is to use redirection
instead of the pipeline

x="this is the initial value of x"
while read line;do
done < dataFile
echo x = $x

With a Bourne shell you need to reassign file descriptors, so no
pipline or redirection in the loop is involved.

exec 3<&0 # save stdin
exec < file
while read line; do
exec 0<&3 # restore stdin

Note that putting #!/bin/sh at the top of a script doesn't
guarantee you're using the Bourne shell. Some systems link /bin/sh
to some other shell. Check your system documentation to find out
what shell you're really getting in this case.


34. How do I batch a FTP download/upload?

The best way to handle this is with ncftpput and ncftpget which
are part of the ncftp program. ncftpput -u username -p password /pics *jpg The above usage of the username and
password is not recomend though as it will be seen by anyone using
"ps" while the script is running. ncftp has a way to handle that
as well. Just create a file with the information in the following

user username
pass password

Then just use the -f option on the ncftp program:
ncftpput -f /home/username/somefile /pics *jpg

ncftp can be found at

If you want to do this interactively, there's no need to keep the
password in a file. For example, if you're building a program on
one machine, but testing it on another, and you have to keep
ftp'ing the files, you can cut down on typing by doing something

ftp -n $remote_host <<EOF
user <username>
cd <path to build directory>
mget "$@"

The ftp program will automatically ask you for the password, then
do the rest for you.

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