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Proliferating LLVMs

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Louis Epstein

Feb 16, 2024, 2:30:15 PM2/16/24
In my 13.2-p9 I have llvm12,llvm13,and llvm15@default
installed,and apparently there are versions out to llvm18
in the ports collection along with an llvm-devel.

Is it possible to standardize on one at a time or do
individual ports dependences require different

When (in my trailing-edge policy) I eventually move
from an EOL 13.4 to 14.2 will the older LLVMs stop
working or being needed?

The World Trade Center towers MUST rise again,
at least as tall as before...or terror has triumphed.

Christian Weisgerber

Feb 16, 2024, 4:30:06 PM2/16/24
On 2024-02-16, Louis Epstein <> wrote:

> In my 13.2-p9 I have llvm12,llvm13,and llvm15@default
> installed,and apparently there are versions out to llvm18
> in the ports collection along with an llvm-devel.

Do you build from ports or do you install packages?

> Is it possible to standardize on one at a time or do
> individual ports dependences require different
> versions?

Certain ports are tied to specific versions from time to time. This
keeps changing. I'm on 14.0-STABLE with llvm17 as the base system
compiler, and I only have an additional llvm15 installed, which was
still required for building firefox the last time I checked.

Over time, there's a tendency to accumulate llvm versions on your
system that aren't actually used for anything any longer.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber

Louis Epstein

Feb 19, 2024, 4:42:38 AM2/19/24
Christian Weisgerber <> wrote:
> On 2024-02-16, Louis Epstein <> wrote:
>> In my 13.2-p9 I have llvm12,llvm13,and llvm15@default
>> installed,and apparently there are versions out to llvm18
>> in the ports collection along with an llvm-devel.
> Do you build from ports or do you install packages?

Initial install usually from ports and subsequent
maintenance by synth and pkg upgrade with the synth

>> Is it possible to standardize on one at a time or do
>> individual ports dependences require different
>> versions?
> Certain ports are tied to specific versions from time to time. This
> keeps changing. I'm on 14.0-STABLE with llvm17 as the base system
> compiler, and I only have an additional llvm15 installed, which was
> still required for building firefox the last time I checked.
> Over time, there's a tendency to accumulate llvm versions on your
> system that aren't actually used for anything any longer.

Hm,looks like llvm12 is now gone.
I have llvm13-13.0.1_7 and llvm15-15.0.7_10 in place.

I have upgraded the base OS to 13.2-RELEASE-p10.

Would llvm versions past 15 work?

Christian Weisgerber

Feb 19, 2024, 7:30:07 AM2/19/24
On 2024-02-19, Louis Epstein <> wrote:

>> Over time, there's a tendency to accumulate llvm versions on your
>> system that aren't actually used for anything any longer.
> Hm,looks like llvm12 is now gone.
> I have llvm13-13.0.1_7 and llvm15-15.0.7_10 in place.

My low-effort approach is this: When I see that the llvm ports will
be rebuilt anyway, I deinstall them. The ones actually required
as dependencies will come back, at no extra compile cost.

> I have upgraded the base OS to 13.2-RELEASE-p10.
> Would llvm versions past 15 work?

Work for what?
If a certain port has a fixed dependency on a particular llvm version
then having newer llvm versions installed doesn't affect this. For
instance, Firefox and Mesa require llvm15 at the moment.

Grepping for LLVM_VERSION over the ports tree shows that for all
llvm versions from 11 to 16, there's at least one port that wants
this particular version.

Louis Epstein

Feb 19, 2024, 12:28:10 PM2/19/24
Christian Weisgerber <> wrote:
> On 2024-02-19, Louis Epstein <> wrote:
>>> Over time, there's a tendency to accumulate llvm versions on your
>>> system that aren't actually used for anything any longer.
>> Hm,looks like llvm12 is now gone.
>> I have llvm13-13.0.1_7 and llvm15-15.0.7_10 in place.
> My low-effort approach is this: When I see that the llvm ports will
> be rebuilt anyway, I deinstall them. The ones actually required
> as dependencies will come back, at no extra compile cost.
>> I have upgraded the base OS to 13.2-RELEASE-p10.
>> Would llvm versions past 15 work?
> Work for what?
> If a certain port has a fixed dependency on a particular llvm version
> then having newer llvm versions installed doesn't affect this. For
> instance, Firefox and Mesa require llvm15 at the moment.

I have them running,I assume at some point they switched to it
from llvm13.

> Grepping for LLVM_VERSION over the ports tree shows that for all
> llvm versions from 11 to 16, there's at least one port that wants
> this particular version.

I suppose nothing I have installed wants 16,or 16 would be added.

Well,last night I tried deleting llvm12 and got back a message
indicating that it wasn't there (normally I'd get a message
indicating what would be deleted along with it,if I recall
previous attempts correctly).

...and when I next launched X,I found it failed via segmentation
fault when I tried launching Seamonkey (I run Seamonkey,which is
no longer in the ports tree to my annoyance,for legacy reasons).
And I tried putting llvm12 back but now X won't launch at all
(first fails pointed to xorg.3.log and recent to xorg.0.log).

I can't think of anything else I did that would have made X
stop working but I'm doing a new synth prepare-system,will
see what results.
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