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Message to (A/UX Dev. Tools CD)

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Jim Jagielski

Dec 31, 1991, 9:07:43 AM12/31/91
This posting should really be an E-mail message to chuq, but what the hey...

Is the upgrade|fix for the A/UX Dev. Tools CD shipping yet? Since I won't
be on the net until 5 Jan, please hold off on answering until then (as I wrote
in my previous message, jagubox will be down until then and my news server
only keeps postings for 5 days until it expires them).

Of course, you could just re-post next week too :)

No sig today

Chuq Von Rospach

Jan 1, 1992, 2:14:13 AM1/1/92
to (Jim Jagielski) writes:

>This posting should really be an E-mail message to chuq, but what the hey...

This response should really be in e-mail (and it will be, someday) but what
the hey...

>Is the upgrade|fix for the A/UX Dev. Tools CD shipping yet?

I dunno, since I've been on vacation since the 20th. Since most of Apple has
also been on vacation since the 20th, I'd say it's unlikely, but you never
know. I'll find out when I get off vacation (which is a corporate secret).

chuq (this isn't work. honest.)

Chuq "IMHO" Von Rospach | | GEnie:CHUQ & MAC.BIGOT | ALink:CHUQ
SFWA Nebula Awards administrator =+= SF Book Reviewer, Amazing Stories
Editor, OtherRealms =+= #include <standard/disclaimer.h>

"Rules are made to be broken" -- true. Also true is that breaking rules out of
ignorace leads to disaster, while breaking them from knowledge can lead to the
truly special. It can also lead to disaster, too. Don't break rules unless you
know them well enough to know when they shouldn't apply.


Aug 16, 2022, 4:57:56 PM8/16/22
You have a point.

Laurens Kils-Huetten

Aug 19, 2022, 1:52:24 PM8/19/22
KP KP <> wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 31, 1991 at 11:14:13 PM UTC-8, Chuq Von Rospach wrote:
>> (Jim Jagielski) writes:
>> [...]
>> "Rules are made to be broken" -- true. Also true is that breaking
>> rules out of ignorace leads to disaster, while breaking them from
>> knowledge can lead to the truly special. It can also lead to
>> disaster, too. Don't break rules unless you know them well enough
>> to know when they shouldn't apply.
> You have a point.

That's what I like about usenet these days, reading follow ups to 31 year old
posts ... :D
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