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Using the glossaries package for English acronyms in German documents

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Christoph Spiegel

Aug 21, 2011, 7:56:48 AM8/21/11
Dear Nicola and all,

I would like to use the glossaries package for German documents
including many English based acronyms. For better understanding, let's
have a look at a simple example:

Acronym: PSK
English long: Phase Shift Keying
German long: Phasenumtastung

Im most cases, there is not corresponding acronym in German, therefore
I would like to use the English acronym in my document. Upon first
use, the inserted text shall look like

Phasenumtastung (PSK, Phase Shift Keying)

Upon further use, only


shall be used.

Finally, in the list of acronyms, it shall look like:

PSK Phasenumtastung (phase shift keying)

I tried to to setup something customized by renewing


following the user documentation. I'm using the current version 3.01
of glossaries.

My approach is basically to put the string ", phase shift keying" into
the description field while defining with \newacronym and then use it
with customized \defglsdisplayfirst and \glossaryentryfield.

This works for me unless I don't have to use the plural form upon the
first occurence. From then on, the concept behind glossaries, so far I
can understand, does not really allow my tweak.

The main reason, to my understanding, is the fact that when defining a
new acronym by \newacronym, besides the label, only one short form and
one long form can be passed and accessed in \CustomAcronymFields.
These two can be accessed by \glsshorttok and \glslongtok for storing
them under the user-defined keys, such as "name", "symbol", "text",
etc. Especially the "description" key itself cannot be accessed at
this stage.

From the conceptual point of view, it would be helpful if all three
forms (short, English long, German long) could be passed to
\newacronym separately and then concatenated in a customized fashion
to be finally stored with their corresponding keys, including
"firstplural" and "longplural". Note that for my example, I would e.g.
have to append an "s" for the plural forms of the short form as well
as to the English long form and provide a used-defined plural form for
the German long form in most cases.

For now, my only question is whether you think that my problem can
still be solved with what glossaries offers so far. If yes, I can also
post a minimal example for further clarification. If not, would it
make sense to try to redefine a couple of commands? I've had the
impression that e.g. \glsentryfull has to be redefined. However, one
major problem I fear is that most of these commands only take a subset
of keys, such as only "short" and "long" (not "description") in case
of \glsentryfull.

I hope my description is not too confusing. If it is, just let me
know, I will be happy to clarify :).

Any help is highly appreciated.


Christoph Spiegel

Oct 12, 2011, 4:27:53 AM10/12/11
On 21 Aug., 13:56, Christoph Spiegel <> wrote:
> I would like to use the glossaries package for German documents
> including many English based acronyms.

I just reposted the question on StackExchange:

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