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Running EmTeX386 Under Windows DOS Box, again

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Young U Ryu

Oct 1, 1993, 11:33:36 AM10/1/93
Several weeks ago, I posted how to run emTeX386 under
Microsoft Windows DOS box. Since then, I found many people
were asking how to run TeX under Windows.
The following is my answer to them:

1. If one wants a native Windows TeX, one should buy
TurboTeX. Or one may try Scientific Word which is
TurboTeX + What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get(-Almost).

2. You may run small TeX or big emTeX under Windows DOS box.
Small TeX has memory limitations. Big emTeX runs very slow
under Windows DOS box.

3. You may try TeXas (or Texas), which could replace
emTeX executables.

4. You may try my gTeX, which is a complete collection of
TeX, MF, BibTeX (all big) and utilities + plain, eplain,
latex, nfss, amslatex macros.

5. Finally, you may run emTeX386 under Windows DOS box, if you
follow what I say in the following.
(It necessary requires chaning emTeX386 executables.
If there are any legal liabilities about this, you, NOT I,
will take all the liabilities and responsibilities ...)

Running emTeX386 under DPMI
The 386 version of emTeX does not run under DPMI, such as
Windows' DOS box, QDPMI, and 386MAX's DPMI. It's mainly
due to the 32 bit DOS extender attached to executables
of emTeX 386.

To run emTeX 386, you need do the following

1. Remove the DOS extender attached to tex386.exe (& mf386.exe)
of emTeX 386 distribution.

2. Use another DOS extender that runs under DPMI.
Such a DOS extender is available in the network.

[0] Get Required Files via FTP

0.1 Get Rainer Schnitker's DOS Extender

Rainer Schnitker's DOS extender (RSX) runs under DPMI (only!).

It is available from:

(I assume that you have C:\BIN and it is included in your PATH.)
Unzip "" and copy RSX.EXE in the \RSX\BIN directory
to C:\BIN. All other files are not required for this specific

0.2 Get Eberhard Mattes's DOS Extender and EMX Binding Tool

Eberhard Mattes's DOS Extender (EMX), which is attached
to the original emTeX 386 executables, does not run under
DPMI. Since RSX only runs under DPMI, if you want to use
emTeX 386 under plain DOS as well as MS Windows, you need
EMX, too. EMX is also required to run EMXBIND.EXE

Also, you need the EMX Binding tool (EMXBIND.EXE) to remove
Eberhard Mattes's DOS Extender from emTeX 386 executables
and attach a DOS Extender Loader (EMXL).

They are available from:
(and many other places)

Unzip and copy EMX.EXE, EMXL.EXE, and EMXBIND.EXE
in \EMX\BIN to C:\BIN. All other files are not required for
this specific purpose.

[1] Remove the DOS Extender Attached to TEX386.EXE (& MF386.EXE)

Again, I assume that you have copied RSX.EXE, EMX.EXE, EMXL.EXE,
and EMXBIND.EXE to C:\BIN and C:\BIN is included in the PATH.
Run the following:

set emx=c:\bin\emx.exe
emxbind -x tex386.exe tex386
emxbind -x mf386.exe mf386

The above procedure removes the DOS extender permanently attached
to tex386.exe and mf386.exe.

[2] Attach DOS Extender Loader

In the previous section, we removed the actual DOS extender.
Now, we attach a DOS extender loader:

emxbind tex386
emxbind mf386
del tex386
del mf386

Now, to tex386.exe and mf386.exe, a DOS extender loader
(i.e. emxl.exe) is attached, not the actual DOS extender.
The DOS extender loader searches for the environment variable
EMX and loads the DOS extender specified by the variable.

[3] Running emTeX 386

3.1 Under Plain DOS (without DPMI)


set emx=c:\bin\emx.exe

It would be a good idea to place the above line in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT. Also add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT:

set emxopt=-t
set emxtmp=c:/temp

under the assumption that you have the C:\TEMP directory.

3.2 Under DPMI (including Windows' DOS Box)

You have to set EMX to RSX.EXE:

set emx=c:\bin\rsx.exe

[4] Summary

The method presented here is summarized as follows:

1. Remove the DOS extender attached to tex386.exe and mf386.exe
2. Attach a DOS extender *loader* to tex386.exe and mf386.exe
3. Get DOS extender for plain DOS and for DPMI.
4. Properly set DOS extenders which the DOS extender loader
loads when you run tex386.exe or mf386.exe

Good luck.


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