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Re: XML Summer School in Oxford Sept 17-22

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Peter Flynn

Aug 18, 2017, 6:09:36 PM8/18/17
On 06/06/17 20:08, Peter Flynn wrote:
> This year's XML Summer School takes place at St Edmund Hall, Oxford,
> the week of the 17-22 September. For details see

Just a reminder that there's still time to register to come and learn
what's happening with XML.

> You can attend for individual days, or go for the whole week of XML.
> There are classes at all levels, starting with a primer and hands-on
> intro, and including XSLT, XQuery, XML in Publishing, and Linked
> Data, with another hands-on class on Digital Publishing, as well as
> the Trends and Transients update.

Registration covers accommodation in St Edmund Hall and all meals, as
well as the classes ("social expenditure"¹ is your own responsibility).

> The XML Summer School is a unique event for everyone using,
> designing or implementing solutions using XML and related
> technologies. The philosophy guiding the school is to help delegates
> learn at the boundary of proven technology from recognised experts
> teaching proven techniques which guarantee that delegates can use
> what they learn when they go back to the office.

-- ¹ aka beer money :-)

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