UTAN Dev <UTAN...@utanzmedia.com.remove.z> wrote:
> How can I preserve my settings when uninstalling PuTTY? Thanks.
The old uninstaller should give you a dialog box offering to delete
them, with options Yes, No and Cancel.
In that box, 'No' means 'continue uninstalling, but don't delete the
import hashlib; print (lambda p,q,g,y,r,s,m: m if (lambda w:(pow(g,int(hashlib.
sha1(m).hexdigest(),16)*w%q,p)*pow(y,r*w%q,p)%p)%q)(pow(s,q-2,q))==r else "!"
)(0xb80b5dacabab6145, 0xf70027d345023, 0x7643bc4018957897, 0x11c2e5d9951130c9,
0xa54d9cbe4e8ab, 0x746c50eaa1910, "Simon Tatham <