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Tunnels of Doom Emulated?

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Mar 26, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/26/98

Does anyone know where I can get an emulated version of Tunnels of Doom?
I can't find the cassette for it anywhere so I am moving to my second
choice. Thanks
Will Babbit

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REMOVE_TO_EMAIL Mitoshi Matsushita a.k.a. Baby Mit

Mar 30, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/30/98

If you're a classic games freak like I am then I don't
think you should settle for anything other than the REAL THING.
Don't mess with those simulators. I can send you the TOD
data on cassette or disk if you still want it. Also, you might wish
to contact Joy Electronics at 800-527-7438. They sell
new-in-box Tunnels Of Doom packages for 1.95. The packages
come with a TOD Command Module and the data come on either
cassette or disk - your choice.

BTW - "Pennies And Prizes" and "Quest Of The King" are the
original data which are packaged with the command module. A while
back, while searching for new collectibles, I happened upon a
company selling "other" Tunnels Of Doom data entitled, "Doom Games I",
"Doom Games II", "Doom Games III", and "Doom Games IV". I bought
each package at 9.95 a piece. They're real cool! Apparently, these
sequels were created with the Tunnels Of Doom Editor which I also
bought from the same company but has since lost it. SHUCKS!!!!
Does anyone still have this TOD Editor?


Mar 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/31/98

babymit(REMOVE_TO_EMAIL) (Mitoshi Matsushita a.k.a. Baby
Mit) wrote:

>sequels were created with the Tunnels Of Doom Editor which I also
>bought from the same company but has since lost it. SHUCKS!!!!
>Does anyone still have this TOD Editor?

I have it somewhere. One day, I'm goinna move all my floopies to my
V9t9 emulator. :-) That's gonna take more time than the 50 carts I
moved over.


Mar 31, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/31/98

Yep, I got the TOD editor, version 2.0... It works pretty good, but I never
understood why "Program B" was not as professional as "Program A"... And it
kinda wimped out on the graphics for the quest objects. Remember "Pennies"
and "Quest for King" allowed up to 8 different graphics for quest objects,
and color backgrounds for them, along with alot of options. Like pennies
limited your player types drastically, so imagine what TI's original TOD
editor must have been like. But, anyway, thanks John Behnke for TOD editor...
Any of you have Texcomp's Adventure Editor? That's a tough one, but great for
"cracking" the adventure games...

In article <>,

babymit(REMOVE_TO_EMIA) wrote:
> If you're a classic games freak like I am then I don't
> think you should settle for anything other than the REAL THING.
> Don't mess with those simulators. I can send you the TOD
> data on cassette or disk if you still want it. Also, you might wish
> to contact Joy Electronics at 800-527-7438. They sell
> new-in-box Tunnels Of Doom packages for 1.95. The packages
> come with a TOD Command Module and the data come on either
> cassette or disk - your choice.
> BTW - "Pennies And Prizes" and "Quest Of The King" are the
> original data which are packaged with the command module. A while
> back, while searching for new collectibles, I happened upon a
> company selling "other" Tunnels Of Doom data entitled, "Doom Games I",
> "Doom Games II", "Doom Games III", and "Doom Games IV". I bought
> each package at 9.95 a piece. They're real cool! Apparently, these

> sequels were created with the Tunnels Of Doom Editor which I also
> bought from the same company but has since lost it. SHUCKS!!!!
> Does anyone still have this TOD Editor?


Apr 8, 1998, 3:00:00 AM4/8/98
to wrote:
> Yep, I got the TOD editor, version 2.0... It works pretty good, but I never
> understood why "Program B" was not as professional as "Program A"... And it
> kinda wimped out on the graphics for the quest objects. Remember "Pennies"
> and "Quest for King" allowed up to 8 different graphics for quest objects,
> and color backgrounds for them, along with alot of options. Like pennies
> limited your player types drastically, so imagine what TI's original TOD
> editor must have been like. But, anyway, thanks John Behnke for TOD editor...
> Any of you have Texcomp's Adventure Editor? That's a tough one, but great for
> "cracking" the adventure games...

I have an old copy of the Texcomp Adventure Editor. It was quite a
chore getting a complete adventure operational, but I once did a demo of
the editor for my user group by writing a simple 8 or 10 room
adventure. I started a larger project but time got tight and the whole
thing was shelved.

It was fun, though.

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