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Remakes Team?

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Jeff Braine

Feb 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/9/99

To all coders/graphics/sound people out there:

What do you reckon to starting up a programming team dedicated to
producing remakes and/or games based on Speccy games characters? I know a
number of people on CSS are coders or have musical/graphical talents, and
a number are working on remakes of classic games as I type (actually being
in Oz, most are probably asleep, but you get the idea)

This would have the benifits of faster turnaround in writing things
(possibly), being able to pass on tasks you're not too good at to people
who are better suited and therefore potentially a better end product.

What do you reckon? I'm not in a position to start this off really
right at the moment, because (like many of the others who would
potentially join the team) I'm busy working on my own project.

So what do you reckon? Let me know and we can try and coordinate
something for when our projects have finished (if applicable!)
or are in a state where they can become a background task (like weeding
out those last few bugs)

My plan of action is:

1. Guage interest
2. Brainstorm ideas for the team's first project (this can
be done during current coding of SabreWulf PC)
3. Decide on the final details of the project, new features
work out who's doing what.
4. Make sure everyone's code is going to fit together!

Let me know what you think.

Jeff Braine
Gecko Studios, Carina, Queensland, Australia

Sabre Wulf PC development page:

Graham Goring

Feb 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/9/99
In article <>, Jeff
Braine <> writes

>To all coders/graphics/sound people out there:
>What do you reckon to starting up a programming team dedicated to
>producing remakes and/or games based on Speccy games characters? I know a
>number of people on CSS are coders or have musical/graphical talents, and
>a number are working on remakes of classic games as I type (actually being
>in Oz, most are probably asleep, but you get the idea)

I kinda' like the idea, but I reckon that when it comes to finding
peoples ideal update or conversion of a Speccy game, they'll have
wildly differing ideas and get very precious about their vision of
Head Over Heels 2000 or whatever. I think it would probably be a case
of too many cooks spoiling the broth.
I think it'd be better to have a pool list of people who can code
or draw or whatever so that if someone is stuck for something they
can simply ask their advice or for them to do a couple of graphics
or whatever without getting TOO involved in the game...

Graham Goring


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| sending a mail headed "Elite/Frontier Petition", including your |
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To reply please clean the VOMIT from my return address...


Feb 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/9/99
On Tue, 9 Feb 1999 12:39:16 +0000, Graham Goring
<> wrote:

>In article <>, Jeff
>Braine <> writes
>>To all coders/graphics/sound people out there:
>>What do you reckon to starting up a programming team dedicated to
>>producing remakes and/or games based on Speccy games characters? I know a
>>number of people on CSS are coders or have musical/graphical talents, and
>>a number are working on remakes of classic games as I type (actually being
>>in Oz, most are probably asleep, but you get the idea)
>I kinda' like the idea, but I reckon that when it comes to finding
>peoples ideal update or conversion of a Speccy game, they'll have
>wildly differing ideas and get very precious about their vision of
>Head Over Heels 2000 or whatever. I think it would probably be a case
>of too many cooks spoiling the broth.
> I think it'd be better to have a pool list of people who can code
>or draw or whatever so that if someone is stuck for something they
>can simply ask their advice or for them to do a couple of graphics
>or whatever without getting TOO involved in the game...

I think an amalgamation of some kind is an excellent idea but Graham
states some valid points. I would shy away from the idea of more than
one coder working on a project, it's bad enough doing it with a bunch
of sexist coffee slurping blokes in the same office let alone across
the world.

However, knowing that the burden of graphics/SFX/music/maps etc. can
be undertaken by someone else would really speed things along and keep
the momentum going. Also, being able to share coding techniques and
ideas would be useful.

To get the ball rolling it would be nice to have a new web site
dedicated to the Speccy remakes team and concentrating on projects
currently underway. Any volunteers?

This whole remakes thing appears to be gathering pace. Who knows, in
12 months time there could be a host of titles to choose from. I for
one can't wait to get Skool Daze finished so I can concentrate on
banging out a few games which are a damn sight easier to do.

Rich J.

** Skool Daze PC, go to:

** SGE - Spectrum Graphics Editor

Niall Tracey

Feb 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/9/99

> To get the ball rolling it would be nice to have a new web site
> dedicated to the Speccy remakes team and concentrating on projects
> currently underway. Any volunteers?

I'm on the road to notoriety in my area for not updating websites - it'd
probably be sheer folly to take on another site, but hey! I'm mad! I'll
start making one as soon as I've updated Edinburgh student radio station
Fresh Air FM's site... (Unless there's something urgent I need to do to
my night-club site.....)

Anyone else interested can make one too... That way we have a bigger web
presence (and it's more likely that one of them will be up to date
whenever people check that way..:).

Niall Tracey.

Jeff Braine

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

> >I kinda' like the idea, but I reckon that when it comes to finding
> >peoples ideal update or conversion of a Speccy game, they'll have
> >wildly differing ideas and get very precious about their vision of
> >Head Over Heels 2000 or whatever. I think it would probably be a case
> >of too many cooks spoiling the broth.
> > I think it'd be better to have a pool list of people who can code
> >or draw or whatever so that if someone is stuck for something they
> >can simply ask their advice or for them to do a couple of graphics
> >or whatever without getting TOO involved in the game...

> I think an amalgamation of some kind is an excellent idea but Graham
> states some valid points.

I agree. I was just throwing open the idea. Having one coder do the game
engine and one working on an editor (if applicable) I see as valid though
- of course the output format from the editor would have to be agreed on
first. Also, any coders not working on anything could work on things like
into sequences, special screen effects etc.

> I would shy away from the idea of more than
> one coder working on a project, it's bad enough doing it with a bunch
> of sexist coffee slurping blokes in the same office let alone across
> the world.

Been there, done that, heartily agree :)

However I reckon if the project was broken up code-wise *properly* it
could work... I'll go with the general opinion though - now I've explained
a bit better what I meant by breaking up the code, do you still feel the

> However, knowing that the burden of graphics/SFX/music/maps etc. can
> be undertaken by someone else would really speed things along and keep
> the momentum going. Also, being able to share coding techniques and
> ideas would be useful.

Yep - truth time - I'm teaching myself C as I go along... My coding is in
C++, but is mainly C-like and is modular rather than OO. As you can see,
things are going pretty smoothly (I taught myself all the languages I've
coded in to date except Pascal, Ada and COBOL so I'm used to it!)

> To get the ball rolling it would be nice to have a new web site
> dedicated to the Speccy remakes team and concentrating on projects
> currently underway. Any volunteers?

I can put something up later if I have time (still furiously tidying the
house up for an inspection). It'll be pretty basic but it'll do. Let me
know who wants to be on-team and any projects happening at the moment
and I'll put you up.

I'll add a link to Borgar's Remakes page too as it's a relevent resource.
If anyone can think of any other relevent links (DJGPP & Allegro
spring to mind) let me know.

> This whole remakes thing appears to be gathering pace. Who knows, in
> 12 months time there could be a host of titles to choose from. I for
> one can't wait to get Skool Daze finished so I can concentrate on
> banging out a few games which are a damn sight easier to do.

I can't wait for Skool Daze to be finished too :)
And it'll be nice to finish Sabre Wulf PC to get something out of the

Jeff Braine

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...

Graham Goring

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In article <>,
Jeff Braine <> writes

>Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
>The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...

Spectremakes! :)

Jeff Braine

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99

On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Graham Goring wrote:
> Jeff Braine <> writes
> >Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
> >The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...
> Spectremakes! :)

Or just Spectre?
(I have the same initals as James Bond too look...)

Darren Salt

Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
In message <>
Jeff Braine <> wrote:


>> Also, being able to share coding techniques and ideas would be useful.

> Yep - truth time - I'm teaching myself C as I go along... My coding is in
> C++, but is mainly C-like and is modular rather than OO.

That /should/ be OK for porting, then... the real problem (here) is
exceptions. I don't have a compiler which supports them, and am not likely to
until - at the earliest - the G++ 2.8.x port is finished.

> As you can see, things are going pretty smoothly (I taught myself all the
> languages I've coded in to date except Pascal, Ada and COBOL so I'm used to
> it!)



>> This whole remakes thing appears to be gathering pace. Who knows, in 12
>> months time there could be a host of titles to choose from. I for one
>> can't wait to get Skool Daze finished so I can concentrate on banging out
>> a few games which are a damn sight easier to do.

> I can't wait for Skool Daze to be finished too :)
> And it'll be nice to finish Sabre Wulf PC to get something out of the door!

And Acorn ports of both, with any luck :-)

| Darren Salt anti-UCE | Spectrum +3, | nr. Ashington,
| ds@youmustbejoking,demon | Risc PC, A3010, | Northumberland
| arcsalt@spuddy,mew,co,uk | BBC Master 128 | Toon Army
| How many recently-released games fit in 16K?

After purchasing an item, you will find it available for less elsewhere.


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:45:53 +1000, Jeff Braine <>

>On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Graham Goring wrote:
>> Jeff Braine <> writes
>> >Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
>> >The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...
>> Spectremakes! :)
>Or just Spectre?

How's about Bob.


Feb 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/10/99
On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 19:29:02 GMT, (Rich J.) wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 13:45:53 +1000, Jeff Braine <>
>>On Wed, 10 Feb 1999, Graham Goring wrote:
>>> Jeff Braine <> writes
>>> >Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
>>> >The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...
>>> Spectremakes! :)
>>Or just Spectre?

Better idea! How about RetroSpec?

Jeff Braine

Feb 11, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/11/99

> >>> >Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
> >>> >The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...
> >>>
> >>> Spectremakes! :)
> >>
> >>Or just Spectre?
> >
> Better idea! How about RetroSpec?

<jazz-club mode>


</jazz-club mode>

The Starglider

Feb 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM2/13/99
In article <>, Graham Goring
<> writes

>In article <>,
>Jeff Braine <> writes
>>Okay, if I'm going to put up a web page - what shall we call ourselves?
>>The 'Speccy Remakes Team' is a little long-winded methinks...
>Spectremakes! :)
>Graham Goring
How about "Retro 2000"? A sort of contradiction title.
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