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After Rehosting of Fortran Compilers - Installation problem

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Jan 26, 2010, 4:30:58 PM1/26/10
we had decided to rehost two Fortran compilers (f77/f90) from an old
Octane to a 'new' Octane2. SGI charged us the customary $200 per
license. The installation of the license files worked (as far as I can
The trouble is that I wanted to re-install the compilers from CD. We
own the software but it is rather old. So the software manager
complained that "this software was not meant to run on this version of
operating system". Well, we own F77 and F90 MIPSpro 7.2.1 (1998)
version. Perhaps it is too old. (OS is IRIX 6.5.30 - so quite recent)

I could perhaps copy the files from the old machine but it seems I run
the risk of not getting all the files or all the files in the right
place.... (so I'd rather avoid this if possible)

Can anyone give me advice?

Thanks, Lothar

P.S. Help was not included in the $400 fee so I have to ask you :)

Atro Tossavainen

Feb 2, 2010, 4:15:22 AM2/2/10
lesser <> writes:

> The trouble is that I wanted to re-install the compilers from CD. We
> own the software but it is rather old. So the software manager
> complained that "this software was not meant to run on this version of
> operating system". Well, we own F77 and F90 MIPSpro 7.2.1 (1998)
> version. Perhaps it is too old. (OS is IRIX 6.5.30 - so quite recent)

It may well be that the old files won't run on the new system, but

> I could perhaps copy the files from the old machine but it seems I run
> the risk of not getting all the files or all the files in the right
> place.... (so I'd rather avoid this if possible)

"versions" gives you a list of packages and "showfiles PACKAGE" gives
you a list of all files in the packages you specify, so at least you
will be able to get all the right files.

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.) / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish & / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939 UNIX Dinosaur / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
< URL : http : / / www . helsinki . fi / %7E atossava / > NO FILE ATTACHMENTS


Feb 3, 2010, 2:08:56 AM2/3/10
It's been a while, but I think the issue is that a 6.5.30 machine will
have MIPSpro 7.4 components installed if you used the Development
Libraries and Development Foundation cds that came with 6.5.30. You
may need to remove them before installing 7.2.1, but I might be wrong
about that.

If you have the original Development Libraries and Development
Foundation cds from June 1998, try opening them along with the
compilers in swmgr, along with the later DL and DF cds in order to try
to resolve conflicts.

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