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Stylisitc 3400 Operating System install from scratch

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Apr 6, 2006, 10:00:38 AM4/6/06
I have recently come across a Fujitsu Stylistic 3400. I have a floppy
drive and a backpack cd-rom. whenever i try to boot the tablet it says
"error loading operating system'. I think this is because it needs to
be reformatted and have an OS installed. can anyone help? If you
recommend that I BUY anything, make sure to be specific about what i
need ot buy. Thanks in advance!!!!

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Jun 1, 2007, 11:33:41 PM6/1/07
I use a cheap, no-name-brand PCMCIA CD drive and a Fujitsu floppy to install
Windows 2k on my 3400.

The CD drive you can get from Ebay or computer shows, probably for around
$30. The cheaper the better. The PCMCIA card plugs into the slot, and
that's it.

The floppy drive is specifically made for Fujitsu pen computers. The same
floppy works on most models from the old Stylistic 500 to the 3400 and LP
500. As far as I know, this is the only floppy you can get the older pen
computers, such as the 3400/3500, to boot from.

Connect the CD and floppy drives with the computer shut down. Create the
four boot floppies for Windows 2000, insert the first one, and boot up the
computer. Follow the instructions. You shouldn't need any "F6" drivers.

You can also install a nice 100 gig hard drive. I recommend the one from It's a Toshiba brand and has a 16mb cache. Fast, cheap,
and reliable.

As for the floppy drive, you can probably find one on Ebay, but if you want
to make sure, go to and buy from them. I've been their
customer for years, and they're great. They can also hook you up with other
parts specifically made for this system, such as the IR keyboard and carry

There may be other ways to install the OS. In the past, with Fujitsu's
older models, I've loaded the OS on another computer using the pen tablet's
hard drive. I've also set up a parallel (printer) port to SCSI adapter from
Adaptec, an old SCSI CD drive, and hours of screwing around to get things
going. I don't recommend either of these methods.

Let me know if you need any more help.


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