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Opera Mini on Palm Centro : upgrade from 4.2 ?

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Jul 5, 2013, 11:48:51 AM7/5/13

Hi all,

I can see some people are still reading this group nowadays.... Woa,
it's been a long time since my last post here.

I'm trying to upgrade my Mini Opera browser on my beloved Palm Centro,
still in use. My current version is 4.2.

When browsing from the Centro, Opera tells me a new version is
available, but alas, it does not download it (it fails). I tried the
download from both Opera and Blazer (

Perhaps I should try also from my TX at home.

When trying from my computer, the Opera web site does not propose a
general download page :-( : if using Windows, I'm proposed to download
the Windows version only. If I browse the "mobile" pages, they tell me
... to use my phone and browse !

So I'm stuck. Anyone please got a valid link to download either version
4.5 (supposedly the last one tested on PalmOS) or newer ? Idealy a PRC
file should be just fine, but I'm ready to use alternative methods.

Thanks in advance,



Jul 5, 2013, 3:44:33 PM7/5/13
The last Opera Mini for the Palm AFAIK is v4.2.14912. I never found any
newer versions. And yes, Opera will report there is a newer version
available. But I think that is just an error, as there are newer version
of Opera Mini, but not for the Palm OS.

I only tried Opera Mini on one Palm TX. I have four of them, four Zire
72S, and seven LifeDrive. And I usually get a reboot when I try to go to
a webpage with Opera Mini. I do have Flash v5 installed, so I don't know
if this creates a problem or not. Blazer works fine with Flash though.

Gateway M465e ('06 era) - Thunderbird v12.0.1
Centrino Core2 Duo T5600 1.83GHz - 4GB - Windows XP SP2

Jul 9, 2018, 1:13:46 PM7/9/18
hi i just look at this post its been a long time try this link there is opera 4.3
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