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BoarderManager question

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Hamish McBrearty

Jul 27, 2004, 1:21:32 AM7/27/04
Hi there

I've just been in at a Novell site installing a Linux mail server to help
filter spam. While I was there the client had their Novell support people
changed the setup fo BoarderManager to pipe mail thru the Linux server.

This is where it got a little strange, the client has a groupware/mail
server inside their network which receives mail from the Linux server. The
intention was to have the groupware server send mail directly out to the
internet. In other words, the inbound connection on port 25 ends up at the
Linux server, and the groupware server is permitted to use port 25 outgoing
to send mail.

The Novell support people told us this can't be done, that BoarderManager
can't have a set of rules like I described above, only a bidirectional
rule. This isn't that much of a problem as I just configured the Linux
server to send outbound mail and changed the groupware server to use the
Linux box as a relay.

However, I simply don't believe the support people. It would astound me if a
product as widely used as BoarderManager doesn't have separate inbound and
outbound rules.

Can somebody clear this up for me?

Aug 9, 2004, 10:30:08 AM8/9/04

Hi there,

Novell's Bordermanager does offer inbound and outbound rules, but what you need is port forwarding which it can't do.  On the otherhand, NetWare TCP/IP can forward an IP (all ports) using Static NAT entried but not individual ports.  I hope I understood your scenario correctly.


Humzah Khaial, CNE

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