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Re: Thanks Spamhaus.Org

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Mark Ferguson

Jan 4, 2005, 3:58:01 PM1/4/05
to --strut and fret its hour upon the
stage,-- --playing out-- its manifold absurdities until even the most
ardent and most willfully ignorant --true believer-- comes to realize --
as has happened with communism -- that --there is no there, there.--)

No. The research which most contributed to my --ideas about women-- was
the series of informal interviews I conducted with mothers and daughters
-- with mothers about their daughters, with daughters about their
mothers, with daughters about their daughters, with mothers about their
mothers. It was really the first time in my adult life that I spoke to
women who I found physically unattractive and the first time I spoke to
women with any motive besides getting them into bed. In the case of the
attractive women that I interviewed, it was a guarantee that I was not
going to get them into bed -- --mothers and daughters,-- as subject,
existing at the opposite end of the conversational spectrum from those
topics which lead to sex -- and (knowing that) for the first time in my
adult life the intellectual, reasoning, --writerly-- part of my min

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