Anyone interested in a MessagePad 110 and MessagePad 130?
These little used MP's are still lying around here, and haven't been
used for some 5 years. Just today I came across them again cleaning up
left-over boxes from our moving 2 years ago... to my amazement, all
data was still there!
The 110 is boxed (all original stuff still there, including
introductory video and logo stickers), is upgraded to the latest ROM
and comes with a screen protector (and a few replacements, I remember
I only replaced it once when the X-corner got dull), the 130 comes
with it's original pen only (backlight hardly used, still bright).
There's no original power supply, but a Philips 6V that has been doing
well for me.
Please contact me via gmail.
Cory (Netherlands)